Who is Affected by SAD
Identifying SAD
Finding Solutions for SAD
Helping Others
Inspirational Quotes

Women experience four times more symptoms of SAD due to this hormone

What is the estrogen hormone?


This regulates our physiology, affects overall well-being, mood, positive outlook of the day, increases sense of well-being

What is sunlight?


Playing in the snow with friends, taking a winter hike, skiing, sleedding, winter camping trip

What is spend more time outdoors?

The word to remind you to reach out to someone experiencing SAD

What is Hailer?


"Learning never exhaust the mind"

Who is Leonardo da Vinci?


This part of the US experiences a greater amount SAD due to shortened daylight hours

What are the Northern States?


 This disorder is characterized by short periods of sadness or people not feeling like their usual selves

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?


Danish word that is pronounced as "hoo-ga" 

What is Hygge?


This is the way managers increase motivation with providing a task

What is challenge your employee?


"Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions"

Who is Tony Robbins?


People in this age group are more likely to develop SAD

Who are young people ages 18-30 years old?


The losing of interest in work activities, feeling hopeless, oversleeping, decrease energy are symptoms of SAD that closely mirror what serious mental condition 

What is major depression?


Taking a brisk jog or walk, working out at the gym or cleaning around the house are ways to

What is stay active?


This is the way managers praise or show employees their hard work and dedication is being appreciated

What is employee recognition?


"Somewhere along the way we must learn that there is nothing greater than to do something for others"

Who is Martin Luther King Jr?


This group of people are more prone to experiencing SAD due to this depression risk factor

Who are people with family history of Depression?


If a person must seek immediate help if thoughts of suicide, hearing voices, hallucinations, or delusions

What are serious symptoms of SAD?


The purposeful reflection of the day, breathing exercise, recentering yourself, reflecting on the positive things around you

What is pause and meditate?


This is how managers ask for opinions or suggestions to be able to make work more effectively

What is seek employee input?


They way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing

Who is Walt Disney?


These neurotransmitters are affected when experiencing SAD

What are Dopamine and Serotonin?


It's the human's body biological clock, which controls sleep-awake patterns

What is the circadian rhythm?

The search for a dietician, life coach, personal trainer, or friend

What is looking for professional help?


The organization of programs to support healthy lifestyles, providing healthy snacks and encouraging physical movement throughout the workday

What is health and wellness initiatives?


No matter how gloomy the morning, it is a new day where anything is possible

Who is Jeffrey Fry