What does the word trauma mean?
A very scary, uncomfortable, painful, or dangerous event or experience that happens to us or that we see happen to another person. When we experience a trauma, we may feel like we can't do anything to stop it or like our life is in danger.
True or false: Traumatic experiences can impact how we feel or think about ourselves.
True. Many people who have experienced a trauma feel negatively about themselves or about other people afterward. What are some negative or untrue things they might say to themselves?
True or false: We can't control how our bodies respond during a traumatic event.
True. It's normal for bodies to feel frozen, shake uncontrollably, sweat, or respond unexpectedly during a traumatic experience.
What is a coping skill?
A coping skill is how we deal with thoughts or feelings that are difficult or painful to have. It can be an activity, plan, or action.
Share your favorite memory with a friend.
Thanks for sharing!
True or false: You will never feel better after experiencing a trauma.
False! Traumas can make us feel bad for a long time, but with support from a trusted adult and some healthy coping strategies, healing is possible!
How do you think someone might feel after they have experienced a trauma?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)
True or false: After a trauma happens to you, you can never trust anyone again.
False. After we experience something traumatic, it is normal to feel like we will never be able to trust another person. But talking about our thoughts and feelings with a therapist and finding examples of safe persons in our lives can help us learn to trust others one day.
True or false: Positive coping skills help us deal with difficult thoughts and feelings by making them smaller.
What kind of food is the moon often compared to?
Name three events that could be considered traumatic.
1. Physical abuse. 2. Sexual abuse. 3. Neglect. 4. Emotional abuse or bullying. 5. Being separated from your family very suddenly. 6. Experiencing a natural disaster like an earthquake, flood, or fire.
Anything else you can think of?
What happens in a person's body during and after a traumatic event?
During a traumatic experience, our bodies might choose to "fight, flight, or freeze" in order to survive. After the danger has passed, our bodies can get "stuck" in any of those responses when it is reminded of potential danger.
True or False: Most people are abused by a stranger.
False! Most abusers are people who already know and have a relationship to the victim. This is why it can feel so hard to trust people again after the abuse has happened to you.
Name three ways of coping that may not be helpful or safe.
Hurting other people or yourself, blocking out your thoughts or feelings only with TV or video games, eating past fullness or not enough, using alcohol or drugs, exploding emotionally when someone mentions your experience, never talking about the experience again.
What weighs more a pound of rocks or a pound of feathers?
They both weigh one pound!
What word do you use for the trauma(s) you have experienced?
Thank you for sharing, you are so brave! <3
Let's check in with how your body and brain are feeling right now as we talk about traumas. Take a second and see what comes up.
Thanks for sharing! Is there anything you can do to help you calm down if you're feeling uncomfortable?
True or false. Experiencing a trauma means something is wrong with me.
False. Traumas are out of our control and do not change our value as human beings.
What are some examples of ways that you cope with thoughts or feelings related to the trauma you experienced?
Thanks for sharing! You have so many coping skills!
Describe your favorite person without saying their name.
Thanks for sharing!