Job App/Reference
The Learning Cafe

At the top of a job application, it asks for name, address, and phone number.

Whose information do you put in?

Your own


What is the lunch special on early release Wednesdays?



In Massachusetts, do you have to pay sales tax for food (groceries)? 



What are some things that are important to know about when there is an emergency?

A. It is important to stay calm during an emergency.

B. It is important to act quickly AND safely during an emergency.

C. It is important to call 911 when there is an emergency.

D. All of the above

D. All of the above


Name one expense that are for fun things, things you want, or things you like to do.


Going out to eat, movies, video games, streaming services, concerts, etc.


What is a reference?

Someone who can talk about how you are as a worker, student, athlete, person, etc.


If you are ordering lunch from the Learning Cafe, what time should you place your order by?



Kyle is buying a can of soda ($1) and a muffin ($0.75).

How much is total purchase?


Soda is $1 and muffin is $0.75

$1 + $0.75 = $1.75


With the Silent 911 procedure, what number do you press to ask for a police?

Press 1 to ask for a help from police.


Name one expense we all have that we need to live.


Water, food/groceries, medicine, health cost/insurance, etc.


Name one person who can be your reference (someone that can talk positively about you as a worker).

Answer will be different for each person.


How much is a large coffee at the Learning Cafe?



Kyle wants to buy a can of soda ($1) and a muffin ($0.75).  He has 6 quarters.

Does he have enough money?


Soda is $1 and muffin is $0.75.  So for both, you would need $1.75 ($1 + $0.75 = $1.75).

Kyle has 6 quarters.  Each quarter is 25 cents or $0.25.

$0.25 x 6 = $1.50.  $1.50 is less than $1.75.


With the Silent 911 procedure, what number do you press to ask for help from ambulance?

Press 3 to ask for a help with ambulance.


Here are some bills you have to pay soon: car payment, video game membership, streaming services.

Which one should you pay first?

car payment


Under "Work Experience" or "Previous Experience," what can you put in?

Working at the cafe, Hillies Shop, etc.


You answer the phone at the Learning Cafe to take a customer order.

Aside from the food order, what other things do you need to ask and/or write down?

The name of the person ordering, when they want their order and where they are.


Tim wants to buy a new 60 inch TV.  Not accounting for cost of driving, would it be cheaper for Tim to buy the same exact TV in Massachusetts or New Hampshire? 

New Hampshire.

New Hampshire does not have sales tax.


You are at home alone. You slip down the stairs and you are in a great pain. You don't think you can move. You call 911 and decide to use the Silent 911. The dispatcher on the 911 asks if you are hurt.

What number do you press to answer the question?

Press 4 to say "Yes"

You are at a grocery store. You forgot to bring enough money to buy everything you wanted. Here are some items you want: fresh vegetables, Snicker bars, breakfast cereal.

Which one of these should you wait to buy?

Snicker bars


You decide to use Theresa as one of your references in a job application. The application asks you for her phone number.

What phone number should you use?

The number for either the Learning Cafe or Learning for Life.


You arrive late to Learning for Life because of doctor's appointment or another important business, and want to place an order for you lunch.

When should you ask to place your lunch order?

By 9.30am or if it's after 9.30am, right after your arrival.


Jeremiah is getting $15 per hour at his work.

During the second week of March, he worked 30 hours.

Before taxes, how much did Jeremiah make?


Jeremiah is paid $15 per hour and he worked 30 hours.  So...

$15 x 30 = $450


You are walking through a Market Basket parking lot. Someone grabs your purse and runs away. You are not hurt. You call 911 and decide to use the Silent 911. The dispatcher on the 911 asks if you are hurt.

What number do you press to answer the question?

Press 5 to say "No"


Look at the list of example bills and expenses below. Name three expenses that you should work to pay first and on time.


Rent or mortgage
Health Insurance
Car or transportation items