Important To
Best Support

The learning log can replace this.

What are case notes?


A learning log is a great way to record this.

What is learning?



What did the person do: Nicole presented in front of the group. 

Who was there: cohort 4

What worked well: Nicole enjoyed teaching the class and interacting with the participants

What did not work well: Even though Nicole was good at it, she did not enjoy ______________.

what is storytelling?


What is important to Jim based on this learning log entry? (provide 1 example)

What did the person do: Jim got picked up from school and went straight into evening activities.

What did the person do: Jim was crabby d/t a headache and not very nice to people.

What worked well: Jim waited nicely while his mom completed her exercise class, playing games on his phone.  Gave him space and didn't try to engage in conversation. 

What didn't work well, needs to be different: next time bring a snack.  He seems to get headaches when he is hungry.  Don't talk to him when he's grouchy.


His phone


What do we learn from the learning log entry below regarding how we can best support Jim? (provide 1 example)

What did the person do: Jim got picked up from school and went straight into evening activities.

What did the person do: Jim was crabby d/t a headache and not very nice to people.

What worked well: Jim waited nicely while his mom completed her exercise class, playing games on his phone.  Gave him space and didn't try to engage in conversation. 

What didn't work well, needs to be different: next time bring a snack.  He seems to get headaches when he is hungry.  Don't talk to him when he's grouchy.

Bring him a snack

don't try to converse with him when he is grouchy/give him space.


True or False:

The Learning Log is a powerful sill but doesn't work for everyone in every situation.



the learning log can be used for ______________ with new staff

what is training?


The learning log can be used to track ____________.

What are goals and objectives?


Review Charles Learning Log.  What things are important to him? (provide 2 examples)

Warm hot tubbing water

Dry face


Greeting the dog and giving him a biscuit


Review Charles Learning Log.  How would you best support him. (Provide 2 examples)

Walk down 5th street first

Take  a dog biscuit with when going on walks

Call aquatic center ahead of time

Take an umbrella on raining days

Give Charles his glasses when he is looking at a magazine. 


True or False:

The learning log can be used for long term learning as well as short term.



True or False:

Learning logs can provide support for new learning professionals



For your agency to replace your current case notes with the learning log; this would be a level ______ change. 

what is a level 2 change?


Read Andrew's learning log and identify what is important to him (provide 3 examples)

twice weekly massage


distance running

have a girl friend

spend his money how he wants


Review Andrew's learning log.  How could you best support Andrew? (provide 3 examples)

Hold him after a rage

approach him with an unthreatening demeanor but don't be too vulnerable.  

do not use the word "no"

follow through with plans and ensure Andrew knows about them in advance. 

Be aware of and recognize red flags

Allow him time to transition/switch gears