What is a developmental disorder?
Disorders caused by impairments in the brain.
What are symptoms of anxiety?
Feelings of apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty or dread.
What are main signs and symptoms of dementia?
Forgetfulness, impaired decision making, decreased thinking abilities.
This is the most common form of dementia.
What is a chronic medical condition?
Health issues that last more than 6 months.
What is another term for developmental disorders?
Intellectual disabilities.
Define psychosis.
A person experiences loss of contact with reality.
What is apraxia?
Impaired ability to carry out motor functions despite having intact motor function.
This form of dementia is caused by microscopic bleeding and blood vessel blockage in the brain.
When caring for a resident with dementia in ADL's we should be structured but ____________.
Define adaptive behaviors.
The skills and abilities to live independently.
False sensory perceptions not associated with real external stimuli.
What is agnosia?
The failure to recognize or identify objects despite intact sensory function,
Significant features of this dementia include fluctuating cognition, visual hallucinations, and sleep disturbances.
Lewy Body
What is perseverating mean?
To repeat a task over and over again.
What causes Down syndrome?
An extra 21st chromosome.
What are symptoms of Bipolar disorder?
Shifts in mood from abnormal highs to abnormal lows.
What are the 3 stages of dementia?
Early, moderate and advanced.
Genetics can play a role in this type of dementia.
What is sundowning?
restlessness, agitation, irritability or confusion that begins or worsens as daylight fades.
How many functional levels of autism are there?
What is OCD?
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
What is Validation Therapy?
Supporting the reality that they person with dementia is experiencing.
Is dementia curable?
What is a wanderguard?
A bracelet that has a tracking device. it is a possible intervention for wandering.