The Kindergarten teacher..
Ms. Dixon is the kindergarten teacher
This is the number of letters in the alphabet.
What is 26?
What movie is this?
What game requires a net and a lot of running...
What movie characters nose grows when he lies?
PE Teacher of GlenOaks...
Coach Ramos?
How many minutes in an hour?
What movie is this?
Toy Story..
What game requires two teams, a ball, a field and some bases...
What movie character loses her shoe at the ball?
What Learning Tree Teachers have iPhones?
Ms. Martinez, Ms. E, Ms. J, and Ms. T.
Who lives under water, under a brown rock, and next to his best friend?
What Movie?
The Emoji Movie
What basketball team represents San Antonio?
In the Emperor's new groove what does Kuzzco turn into?
A llama..
Who is the youngest Learning Tree teacher?
Ms. J
Henry's mom has four kids, ones name is winter, one summer, and one fall. Whats the fourth kids name?
what show is this?
Paw Patrol..
When was the last time the San Antonio Spurs won a championship?
What Disney princess has the longest hair?
What Learning Tree teacher has the most letters in their last name?
Ms. Delgadillo
What are all of the learning tree staffs first names?
Lydia, Sarah, Analyssa, Josielynn, Amanda, and Jacqueline.
What movie?
Chicken Little..
What colors do the spurs wear?
Black, silver and white..
What are all their names?
Princess Jasmine, Rapunzel, Snow White, Mulan, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Pocahontas, Princess Tiana, Belle, Ariel, Princess Merida