Being Prepared and Travel Concepts
Minimize Waste and Campfire Impacts
Being Considerate of other visitors
Respect for Wildlife
Leave What You Find
This is a tool you can use to find your way when looking at a map.
What is a compass?
Only gather these materials from a tree for kindling wood.
What is dead leaves and/or twigs?
You should behave in this way when traveling in campground areas.
What is traveling quietly and/or avoid walking through campsites?
This animal makes a "eeeeeeek" sound.
What is a screeching owl?
When you spot a cool artifact on a hike, you do this with it after observing it.
What is putting it back where you found it for others to enjoy?
It is important to carry this when backpacking in an area with no clean water.
What is a water purifier?
Never leave brush near open flames. Other conditions that would be a risk for causing a wild fire include _____________________.
What is ____________________. (Examples: open flames that are under low hanging branches, not having a fire extinguisher or water available)
Light disrupts the campers by preventing them to see ________.
What are the stars?
This develops in animals when they eat human food consistantly.
What is a cankerous sore or goitere?
Collecting shells from a shoreline can be harmful because it takes away ____________ from species.
What is shelter?
To avoid exhaustion, when backpacking you should only carry ___% of your weight on your back.
What is 25%?
It has a life expectancy of about 60 years before it completely degrades.
What is a rubber boot sole?
A good way to address your fellow camping neighbors with a problem.
What is _________________? (Whatever is deemed acceptable; ex. kindly waiting until the campers are back in the campsite and approaching with calm voice)
This is a backpacker's tool that you put your food to prevent animals from getting to it?
What is a bear canister?
This is what you don't take away for fires.
What is _____________ (example: what is live branches)?
Durable surfaces to camp on minimize impacts on the land, like rocky surfaces or trails. Name three different areas in nature that would be harmful to utilize.
What is ________, ________, and ________.
Materials, such as aluminum and plastic, can release dangerous toxins into the atmosphere when burned, causing a harmful affect on our planet.
What is ozone depletion?
Give four examples of things that disrupt the sounds of nature.
What is _____________, ____________, ______________, _______________?
How you react when a bear approaches you.
What is standing still and waving your arms (or making yourself big and noisy)?
This is why we do not leave man-made structures, like chairs made out of logs and rocks, at a site once we are done with it.
What is it leaves the campsite with a loss of an organic feelings that brings people connections to nature?
The advantages and disadvantages in camping in a valley and a hill.
What is warmer in temperature but having wind chills and being cooler but blocking out wind?

Certain places near which you should not defecate or dump waste when in nature.

What are a water source?

This is what you do when a hiker is approaching you uphill when you are going downhill?
What is step aside and allow them to pass?
Wildlife are constantly at risk of being killed and removed from campgrounds when people do these often innocent, yet harmful activities. There are two in particular.
What is feeding the wildlife and leaving your trash out?
After you are done camping out in the wilderness, you do this to your site.
What is raking the brush back and scuffing the rocks of ash (other examples can work if appropriate)?