This is the number of majors in Leavey
What is 7?
These are the names of the business fraternities on campus
What are DSP (Delta Sigma Pi), AKPsi (Alpha Kappa Psi), and PCT (Phi Chi Theta)?
This is the name of the cafe in Lucas Hall
This is the amount of credits students must take to be considered full-time
What is 12?
This is date of the 2025 Open House
What is October 19, 2024 from 9am-2pm?
These minors are the two offered only to Leavey students
What are Marketing and Business Analytics?
This date is the SCU Involvement Fair Fall 2024
What is Thursday, Sept. 26th from 6-8pm?
This is the name of the main lobby in Lucas Hall
What is Bank of America Commons?
What are blue light towers, police station, Bronco Alert emails and texts, and Campus Safety?
This is the number of Leavey Ambassadors that are Finance majors
What is 6-7
These three majors are the top most popular Leavey majors
What are Finance, Marketing, and Accounting?
This is the number of business student organizations in Leavey (2024)
What is 28?
This is the year that Leavey School of Business was founded
What is 1923?
These on-campus (school-sponsored) programs support students in finding internships
List 5 involvements that our ambassadors are involved in
What are... ACE, AKPsi, DSP, Surf Club, Boxing Club, ASG, SCC, UMA, French Club, Off-Campus Greek Life, Cultural Clubs, Study Abroad, Community Fellows, SCIF, etc.?
These things are the main differences between CAS Econ and LSB Econ
What is type of degree? (BS vs BSC)
What are core requirements?
What are Beta Gamma Sigma (top 20% during grad year) & Leavey Scholars (top 10-15% of class through first year spring)?
These are the 6 different offices on the first floor
These are the top 3 study abroad programs for Leavey students when they typically study in __(quarter)__ of their __(year)____.
What is FALL of their JUNIOR year?
These ambassadors are studying abroad?
This is Niche's ranking of Leavey's accounting/finance program amongst others in the U.S. (2024)
What is #32 / 821?
What is top 3.8%
These are the 6 programs in the Leavey UGBP office
What are ACE, SLA, PCC, Community Fellows, Peer Advisors, and Leavey Ambassadors?
These are 3 of the main features of two different types of Leavey classrooms?
What is U-tiered vs. flat desks, cameras that record and pick up audio and movement, TVs in back, TVs for presenting?
What are the Calculus Readiness Exam and the Second Language Placement Test?
These are the names, hometowns, and majors of every ambassador