How many plagues were there?
Ten Plagues
The Pharoah's daughter discovered Moses floating along the river in a ______
Who was Abraham and Sarah's son?
What did the Israelites put on their doorposts?
Lamb's blood
Three presidents, all Founding Fathers—John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe—died on what national holiday?
July 4th
What was the last plague God sent?
All of the firstborn sons in Egypt will be killed.
Moses encounters God in a burning ____
How many sons did Jacob have?
What two animals could they use?
an unblemished lamb from a sheep or goat
You'll spend almost ___ years looking at your phones throughout your lifetime.
Nine years
What was the first plague?
Turning the Nile River water into blood
Where does Moses flee to after an altercation with an Egyptian?
Who were Jacob's two wives?
Rachel and Leah
Why was it dangerous for the Israelites to sacrifice sheep and goats?
They were associated with Egyptian gods
One of these animals once lived for 18 months without a head. Which animal was it?
a chicken!
Name three other plagues besides the first and last
Who was Moses's brother?
What were Noah's three sons named?
Shem, Ham, and Japheth
What book of the bible does the 1st Passover take place?
When was BGSU founded?
What was the 6th plague?
The Plague of Boils
"to draw out of"
Why is it called The Passover?
the houses of the observant Israelites in captivity were "passed over" as Egypt's first-born children were killed
How many popes have we had?
266 popes, including Pope Francis