The only place you can catch a Sandfish.
What is Calico Desert?
Snoppy is modeled after this lovable dog breed.
What is a beagle?
This variety of weed is commonly used to treat anxiety because of its relaxing qualities.
What is Indica?
Lee will take over and fortify this branch of a chain store in the event of the zombie apocalypse.
What is Dallas Walmart?
The name Mariam went by during, and right after COVID.
What is Sage?
Earning 8 hearts with Shane can give you this rare farm animal.
What is a blue chicken?
When Snoopy puts on sunglasses, he assumes this college student alter ego.
Who is Joe Cool?
The name for the very last part of a joint, usually very hot.
What is a roach?
What are people?
Mariam was a Discord mod for this Minecraft Youtuber.
Who is Tubbo?
Entering this as your favorite thing will yield the text "you feel an unwavering connection to the valley" when eating a Stardrop.
What is "Stardew"?
Snoopy flies this kind of airplane when imagining himself as a pilot.
What is a flying ace?
Lee was forced to recreate scenes from this famous stoner movie on 2 separate occasions.
What is Pineapple Express?
Lee's worst case scenario zombie apocalypse resembles this famous zombie media.
What is World War Z?
Mariam and Lee have a matching tattoo from this piece of lost media that was released from 2020-2021.
What is Unus Annus?
You can receive this color of slime in your slime hutch only through a witch's curse.
What is a black slime?
Before Snoopy was given his iconic name, he shared this name with a different comic dog that prompted his renaming.
Who is Sniffy?
The most popular bong shape resembles this common chemistry tool.
What is a beaker?
Lee would improve and use this skill they learned in Girl Scouts to protect their base.
What is archery?
Mariam was watching this movie in Lee's childhood bedroom when they experienced a medical emergency and had to be taken to the ER.
What is Raya and the Last Dragon?
In the summer, this crop has a chance to grow into a giant version of itself.
What is a melon?
Snoopy canonically owned a painting by this famous artist, who also happens to be a favorite of Mariam's?
Who is Van Gogh?
28 grams of weed makes this common amount of weed sold at dispensaries.
What is an ounce?
Lee would use this Indigenous growing technique to sustain a population with only 3 plants.
What is The Three Sisters? (Corn, Beans, and Squash)
The name of the Twitch channel Mariam and Lee briefly streamed on.
What is Cuppie?