The activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information.
What is journalism?
Made-up information that looks like the real thing; full-on fiction.
What is fake news?
Favoring or supporting one thing over something else.
What is bias?
Name and describe the three common forms of bias found in news.
Guessing what's going to happen in the future.
What is speculation?
Uses humor, sarcasm, ridicule, exaggeration, irony, or similar techniques to criticize or comment on current events or society.
What is satire?
Fact-checking and vetting sources.
What is verification?
Stories designed to fool people, usually because the site's owner can make a lot of money when people are fooled and respond by sharing the story.
What are hoaxes?
What is inherent bias?
Based on verified facts, doesn't misrepresent information, clearly identified as opinion.
What is opinion journalism?
A set of rules or steps used to solve a problem or accomplish a specific goal.
What is an algorithm?
Briefly describe one way social media uses algorithms.Being open about the process, biases, etc.
What is transparency?
A statement that something is true when it isn't, not always made intentionally.
What is a false claim?
Name and describe two types of false claims.
Journalist tool requires telling all sides of the story, addressing multiple perspectives.
What is fairness?
Explaining or interpreting current events by drawing on facts and history to get a deeper understanding of what's happening and what may come next.
What is analysis?
A funny imitation of something, usually a film.
What is a spoof?
Naming the author, the source of the video/photo, etc.
What is accountability?
A really big exaggeration that's used for effect and isn't meant to be taken literally.
What is hyperbole?
Journalist tool that provokes emotion or passes judgment.
What is word choice?
Sometimes used instead of "opinion" to describe news-related opinion or analysis pieces.
What is commentary?
Explanation of how a company collects, manages, and uses your personal information.
What is privacy policy?
Staying free from influence by those being covered.
What is independence?
The main skill that will keep you from getting fooled by misinformation, which includes triangulation.
What is fact-checking?
Journalist tool sets up story's structure and focus; the angle the journalist takes in telling the story.
What is framing?
List as many types of people who often express their opinions in the news industry. Example: Paid commentators. There are seven more.experts
people with special experience
longtime journalists
public figures
news show hosts
paid opinion writers
PII - includes your name, email address, and your pet goldfish.
What is personally identifiable information?