Contracts II
CivPro II
Miscellaneous GGU Law Trivia
Law Related Trivia

These are the types of contracts that fall within the Statute of Frauds.

What are marriage, year or longer, transfer of land, [executorship], goods of $500 or more, and suretyship?


This is when the Erie Doctrine applies.

What is when there's a conflict between state and federal law?


This type of tenancy is reserved for married persons only.

What is tenancy by the entirety?


This is the GGU mascot.

What is the Griffin?


This United States Supreme Court justice is the first Latina member of the Court.

Who is Justice Sonia Sotomayor?


This is the Parol Evidence Rule.

What is prior or contemporaneous oral/written expressions are inadmissible to vary, modify, or contradict an integrated agreement intended to be the complete and final expression of the parties' intent.


These three things are required for all complaints filed in federal court.

What is a (1) statement of jurisdiction, (2) a demand for relief sought, and (3) a short and plain statement of the claim?


Easements by prescription are different from adverse possession in this way.

What is they are missing the element of exclusivity?


Golden Gate University is located at this address.

What is 536 Mission Street?


This is the name of the most recent US President to graduate from law school.

Who is Joe Biden?


Define the two types of unconscionability.

What is: procedural is when the bargaining process is unfair (i.e., hidden term or absence of meaningful choice) and substantive is when there are harsh or oppressive terms in the agreement.


These things must be contained in a defendant's response to a complaint.

What are the (1) response to the complaint and (2) any affirmative defenses the defendant wishes to raise?


These are the types of waste that life tenants and tenants generally cannot commit while in possession of property.

What is permissive waste, voluntary waste, and ameliorative waste?


Before the building was a school, it was this.

What is a garment factory?


This famous lawyer started a nonprofit, opened a national memorial, and wrote a New York Times bestselling book about his work.

Who is Bryan Stevenson? He created the Equal Justice Initiative, opened the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, and wrote Just Mercy.


This is the exception for infants who use infancy as a defense to contract formation. Said another way, this what infants must pay for necessities. 

What is liability for necessities. Infants are legally obligated to pay fair value (not necessarily the contract price) for necessities (i.e., things you need to live; e.g., food, water, clothes, medical are).


This is the maximum number of interrogatories the court allows.

What are 25?


This is the definition of a right of reentry.

What is a future interest for a fee simple subject to condition subsequent that's retained in the grantor and must be exercised. 


This is the original name of GGU Law.

What is the YMCA Evening Law School? It was the first evening law program in California and graduated its first class in 1905 with four male law students.


This federal circuit covers the largest geographic area.

What is the Ninth Circuit? It covers the areas of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Hawaii, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands.


This is the exception to implied warranty of merchantability.

What is when buyer fails to inspect or examine the goods and the inspection would have revealed the defects, there's no IWM re: those defects.

Implied Warranty of Merchantability: that the goods are fit for ordinary, commercial purposes. It's implied in every K by merchant of goods of the kind sold; 


This is when work product is discoverable during litigation.

What is when there is (1) a showing of substantial need and (2) the information cannot reasonably be obtained elsewhere. Additionally, when providing the information, the court must protect against sharing attorney impressions, thoughts, conclusions, or legal theories.


The Rule Against Perpetuities does not apply to these present estates or future interests.

What are reversions (follows a life estate), possibility of reverter (follows FSD), or right of reentry (follows FSSCS). [It does apply to contingent remainders, executory interests, class gifts, options and rights of first refusal.]


These two former GGU law deans both began their law school teaching careers as professors of property.

Who are Professors Van Cleave and Christiansen?


This is the first woman who was ever shortlisted for a nomination to the US Supreme Court.

Who is Florence Allen? In 1932, she was shortlisted by President Herbert Hoover. She was also the first female judge in the State of Ohio, the first female to sit on a state court of last resort, and the first female appointed to an Article III federal appellate court (6th Circuit).