Rules the members of a society create to balance individual rights and the needs of the society as a whole.
What is Laws
Any copying done for a limited and transformative purpose.
What is fair use?
Set of moral principles.
What is ethics?
Exclusive legal right given to original creator of creative materials.
What is copyright.
Content of which the original source is made freely available to the public.
What is open source?
Document outlining a set of acceptable behaviors.
What is code of ethics?
Property that derives from the work of mind or intellect.
What is intellectual property?
Government license, gives the holder exclusive rights to make, use or sell an invention.
What is patent?
Occurs when a work is reproduced, distributed, preformed, publicly displayed or made into a derivative work, without permission.
What is copyright infringement?
The act of damaging the reputation of someone in a malicious or false way.
What is defamation?
Contract where two or more parties agree not to share confidential information.
What is non-disclosure agreement?
Symbol that identifies a specific source of goods or services
What is trademark?
This law will help protect your invention for 20 years.
What is patent infringement?
What is cyberbullying?
One of several public copyright licenses that enables free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work.
What is creative common license?
Non-profit organization which provide legal tools for authors and artists
Unauthorized use of an image in a manner that misleads individuals regards source of goods or services.
What is trademark infringement?
Guidelines which describe acceptable employee behaviors in the workplace.
What is policies and regulations?
A contract between collaborating institutions for the purchase and sale of property rights regarding work of the mind or intellect.
What is intellectual property agreement?