This is the person that founded Legalism.
Who is Han Feizi?
Legalists believed people were primarily this.
What is selfish?
Emperor Qin did this in addition to killing lots of scholars.
What is burning books?
This is how long Han Feizi lived for.
What is 48 years?
This is when the Qin Dynasty began.
What is after the Warring States Period?
Which Chinese emperor first adapted Legalism?
Who is Emperor Qin?
Han Feizi believed that rulers needed this much control.
What is absolute?
YES/NO SPECIAL! Are some legalist beliefs still in use in China today?
YES/NO SPECIAL! Was Emperor Qin’s rule popular?
Legalists believed that these should not be trusted.
Who are people?
Emporer Qin was from this dynasty.
What is the Qin Dynasty?
Han Feizi believed that this should be done for good behavior.
What is rewarding it?
Emperor Qin killed this many people with his strict legalism policies.
What is over 1000?
How many years did Emperor Qin rule?
What is 11?
Emperor Qin burned books on this other Chinese religion.
What is Confucianism?
These people were other philosophers in Legalism.
Who are Li Si and Shang Yang?
Han Feizi believed this should be done with poor behavior.
What is punish it?
This was the dynasty after the Qin Dynasty, which was overthrown with Emperor Qin’s successor.
What is the Han Dynasty?
YES/NO SPECIAL! Did Emperor Qin accomplish anything in his rule?
This is the belief system that the Han Dynasty adopted.
What is Confucianism?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! This is Host Isaac’s favorite food.
What is Sushi?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! This is Host Isaac’s favorite color.
What is purple?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! These are the instruments that Host Isaac plays.
What are the piano and cello?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! This is Host Isaac’s favorite animal.
What is the Axolotl?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! This is how many brothers Host Isaac has.
What is 2?