Commercial & Businesses 1
Rental Deep Dive
Apartments, Condos, Townhomes & Mobiles - Oh My!
Non - Home Owners
Commercial & Businesses 2

What is the Trip Fee for either a Business or Commercial Property? 



What is the Trip Fee for new Rental Clients?

$189 unless you over-ride it to $99 to save the call as a one time courtesy.


What is the difference between Condo and Apartments?

Apartments are rented out.
Condos are independently owned.

We will ONLY service Condos. NOT APARTMENTS.


Can we book appointments with non-home owners? And why?

No. Because they cannot legally authorize the appointment. 


Can you book the appointment without a credit card on file?

No. Never.
If they are a repeat customer, just explain the new requirement.


What must you have on file in order to book the call?

A credit card. 


Can Rental's use coupons?



What's the difference between Condos and Townhomes?

Condo's only own their unit inside of a building with common areas shared with other condo owners.

Townhouses own their entire structure of their home, including the land it sits on. They may have to share walls with their neighbors. 


If a company calls in and asks if we can outsource jobs to us, can we further assist?

No. We will NEVER be an outsource company for OTHER businesses.


Can you every lower the $189 Trip Fee? Why?

Yes to $99. Only if they are a repeat customer in good standing or a last ditch effort to save a new customer's booking.


If there is a credit card on file for a Business/Commercial Account, what must you do?

Verify if that is the same credit card to be used for this appointment. 


Can you waive a Rental Trip Fee?

No. They cannot use the Free Service Call Coupon for rentals. 


Which do we provide services to? Apartments, Condos and/or Townhouses?

Only Condos and Townhouses.


Can non home owners pay an invoice?
If so, what are the parameters?

You cannot provide them the balance.
Transfer to Accounting.

Do we offer duct cleaning services for commercials and businesses?



What types Commercial/Business repairs can we do for Blue Ox Heating & Air?


Why? Because our techs specialize in residential only. 


If the customer owns a subdivided building and wants service in all the units, do we charge multiple trip fees?

No. You should charge 1 Trip fee in the amount of $189 for ALL units. 


Do we offer Duct Cleanings to Apartments, Condos and/or Townhouses. If so, which one(s)?

We only do Townhouses. 

We must clarify if it is a detached or attached Townhome. If detached, yes. If not, must clarify if their ducts are connected. If so, no. 


Can we do work for Property Management?


Only if they are pre-existing customers with no issues with payment. 


Name 3 types of commercial/business repairs our electricians can do.

Everything. No cap.


Name 3 types of Business/Commercial repairs our Plumbing Department can do.

WH up to 250 gallons, minor leak repairs, drain cleaning, RPZ, valve work, WS, Water Filtration, Tankless Repair, repair and replace faucets & toilets.


If the customer has a subdivided building and wants service for all units, is that 1 appointment? 

No. It will need to be separate appointments on multiple locations. 

The Account should be under the owner's address and billing account and have multiple locations with the unit number. 


Which Department(s) will run calls to mobile homes and what kind of appointments?

Blue Ox Heating & Air. 

No Heat & No Cools, and Estimates for replacement 


If a construction company calls in and they accidentally nicked a line, and need emergency services, can we book their call?

Yes, but they will have to pay for emergencies services, and upfront. 


What is the maximum gallon Water Heater our Plumbers can work on?

250 Gallons.