Executive Branch
Executive Branch 2
Sources and Types of Law
Sources and Types of Law 2
Legislative Branch
Legislative Branch 2

Where is the Executive Branch found in the US Constitution?  What article? 

What is Article 2


President's power to stop a law is called 

Veto Power


Offenses such as vandalism, stealing inexpensive items,or writing bad checks for low amounts



Samantha Powers was given order by her commanding officer to report for duty at the Sunshine State Air Force base on Tuesday at 9 AM. Samantha decides she’s hungry and stops by a coffee shop instead. She arrives 3 hours late, and her commanding officer has already escalated the issue for failure to report-in.

Military Law


Which part of congress is represented according to population?

House of Representatives


What is the role of a Conference Committee?

To reconcile differences between each house on a bill before it goes to the President.


The purpose of the Executive Branch is

What is enforce or execute the laws


The President's power to forgive someone for a federal crime. 

Presidential pardon. 


A serious crime such as murder, stealing an expensive car, kidnapping, or robbery.



A man was accused of attacking another man. He was brought into police custody and interrogated for 2 hours. Prior to the interrogation, he was never informed that he had the right to remain silent or to have a lawyer present. During the interrogation, he signed a confession. What type of law does this represent?

Constitutional Law


Name 3 Delegated (Expressed or Enumerated) Powers of Congress?

Tax, Regulate Trade, Declare War, Borrow and Coining Money, Regulate Immigration, Create Lower Courts, Raise and Support an Army, Exercise the Elastic Clause


When the President vetoes a bill, Congress can "override" the veto and pass the bill into law with a ______________ vote.



The relationship the US has with other countries would be called the nation's________.

What is Foreign Policy


President is the head of the U.S. military, another name for that would be?

What is Commander-in-Chief


A law written by a legislative branch

Salutatory Law


Joseph has decided to build a fence around his property to prevent his neighbor’s dog from destroying his yard. Joseph’s neighbor realizes the fence is crossing onto his property. He asks Joseph to move the fence, but Joseph refuses. The neighbor decides to take this to court. What type of law does this represent?

Civil Law


Our Congress has two houses, What kind of legislature is this?



 The count of each State's population (as well as addition information gathered) every 10 years is called the _______________. 



What are the three jobs of Administrative Agencies?

To advise the President

To make regulations

To enforce laws and regulations

What is the process of charging/accusing a president of a federal crime?
What is impeachment

What are the two historical documents that influenced our laws today?

Magna Carta and Code of Hammurabi  


Kevin was hanging out with his friends at the local outdoor mall after 10 PM. Due to a situation where someone drew graffiti on the property, the local government put a curfew that begins at 9 PM for all under 18 unless they’re with an adult. Security escorts the teens out of the mall. What type of law does this represent?

Juvenile Law


How many representatives are there per state in the Senate?



What is it called when the President doesn't sign a bill  for 10 days until Congress is not in session?

Pocket Veto


Who must approve a Presidential appointments?

The Senate. This is how the legislative branch checks the power of the President to appoint judges and head of Government Agencies. 


List off 3 presidential Powers:

Enforce Laws, Veto bills, grant pardons,  has the power to make treaties, Has the power to nominate ambassadors, judges, and cabinet members.


Law based on court decisions rather than on a legal code.

Common Law


Beth was driving to work when she looked at her phone for moment because she received a text message. Due to this, she ended up hitting a car in front of her. In a moment of panic, she quickly drives away without taking responsibility. What type of law does this represent?

Criminal Law


Whos signs a bill into law on the state level?



Name the leader of the House and Senate

Speaker of the House

Vice President


Which Amendment deal with the election of President and Vice President. 

12th Amendment


What is the electoral college? 

The way we choose a President and Vice President. The Senate and House of Representatives make up the electoral college when they cast votes in favor of Presidential candidates. 

100 Senators 

435- House members          3 - DC representatives

Total: 538 Electoral College Members


Law that deals with fraud, drunk driving, robbing of a store, selling drugs, physically attacking a person, and so on.

criminal law


Tony Bryant joined the armed forces when he turned 18. Six months later, Tony decided he no longer wanted to be in the armed forces. He failed to return to base after going on leave, and he was charged and brought to trial for being AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave). What type of law does this represent?

Military Law


Name the different types of laws on each level of government?




Federal: Act

State: Statutes 

Local: Ordinance 


The President vetoing a bill Congress tried to pass is an example of?

Checks and Balance