House of Reps
Powers of Congress
I'm Just a Bill
Grab Bag

This the total number of representatives in the House of Representatives. 

What is 435? 


This is the total number of Senators in the Senate. 

What is 100?


This is a power that is clearly stated in the Constitution

What is an expressed power? 


This word means to reject a bill

What is to veto a bill? 


This word means having two chambers. 

What is bicameral?

This is Newburyport's representative in the House of Representatives

Who is Seth Moulton?


This is the term lengths for Senators. 

What is 6 years?


This is a power of Congress not stated, but allowed based on the interpretation of the government.

What is an implied power?


This is where a bill is marked up, researched and amended (the majority of work on a bill)

What is in commette?


This is the leader of the House of Representatives, known as the Speaker of the House. 

Who is Mike Johnson? 


Name two of the three qualifications to become a member of the House of Representatives

What are 25 years old, citizen for 7 years, resident of state?


These are the two Senators from Massachusetts

Who are Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren?

This is a way Congress can 'check' the power of the Executive Branch.

What is impeach the President/Vice President or reject a Presidential Nominee? 


This is how the legislative branch can override a Presential Veto.

What is with a 2/3rds vote from both houses of Congress?

This is a special power given only to the Senate.

What is reject or approve Presidential nominees, reject or approve Presidential treaties or hold a trial for an impeached official and decide their guilt or innocence?


This is the term length for a member of the House of Representatives.

What is 2 years? 


Name two of the three qualifications to be a Senator.

What are 30 years old, citizen for 9 years, resident of state you represent?


These are two powers of Congress related to the military.

What are declare war and Maintain the military? 


This is the chamber that MUST Start all bills related to money or raising taxes.

What is the House of Representatives? 


This is a special power given only to the House of Representatives.

What is Impeach an elected official or start bills having to do with money/taxes.


This is the number of representatives Massachusetts has in Congress.

What is 9? 


This person is the Senate Majority Leader.

Who is Charles "Chuck" Schumer? 


This is an example of a non-legislative power of Congress.

What is propose amendments to the Constition, impeach officials or reject or deny Presidential nominees? 


This is what it is called when a President doesn't sign or veto a bill, but Congress will end its session before the 10 day waiting period, so the bill doesn't become law.

What is a pocket veto? 


This is title given to a person who is represented by an elected official and has the elected official make decisions on their behalf

What is a constituent?