How many years does a senator serve?
6 years
passing laws is an example of what kind of power?
delegated power
this individual creates subcommittees and hires and fires committee staff/decided when committees will meet and when they will hold hearings
Chair person
What happens if a federal official is found guilty of a high crime?
get kicked out of office
what is gerrymandaring?
sometimes state legislature draw the district lines in favor of a particular political party, politician, or group of people
How many members in the Senate?
100 people
what is having legal protection?
a congress member cannot be sued when they are speaking on the floor in court
True or False: financing government is a responsibility of Congress
what is an act that betrays or endangers one's country
what are laws that sentence a person to prison without trial?
Bills of Attainder
Who is in charge of the senate?
vice president
Is the house of representatives based on population or do they have an equal amount of members?
based on population
This clause allows Congress to stretch the delegated powers listed in the Constitution to cover many other subjects
elastic clause
what are exports
good going out of the United States
congress members have to abide by a set of rules and regulations. what are those rules and regulations called?
ethnic rules or rules of procedure
How old do you have to be to be a representative?
25 years
how many members are in the house of representatives?
the impeachment process starts here
House of Representative bringing up the accusations
a law that applies to an action that took place before the law was passed is called what?
Ex post facto law
powers not specifically granted by congress by the constitution that are suggested are called?
Implied powers
what is a closed meeting of a group of people belonging to the same political party to select candidates or decide on policy?
this is a temporary committee/ these are house or senate committees appointed to deal with issues not handled by standing committees and are disbanded when they have finished their work?
Select committee
After the house gets majority vote, the impeachment process moves where
Senate to hold trials
what is a formal disapproval of a members actions?
What are franking privlages?
rights given to Congress members to send mail to their constituents without having to pay a postage