Standing Committee Meeting Procedures
Committee motions, actions & parliamentary tools
Policy analyst dos and don'ts
House & Senate Floor Procedures

What are the four phases when considering legislation during a standing committee meeting?

1. Presentation

2. Clarifying questions

3. Public comment

4. Committee action 

(rule reference: SR3-2-305; HR3-2-305)


What is the difference between a concurrent, joint, or single-chamber resolution?

Concurrent: must pass House and Senate and be signed by the Governor

Joint: must pass House and Senate

House/Senate: only has to pass the single chamber

(definition reference: JR4-1-101)


Can a standing committee take action while the House or Senate is in session?

No, unless the chair received permission from the speaker/president or a majority of the House/Senate approves the committee to meet while the House/Senate is in session.

(rule reference: SR3-2-413; HR3-2-413)


True or False: You may post an agenda with legislation for which your committee has not been given possession.

True, but you must ensure your committee receives possession before the committee acts on it at the meeting.


What action constitutes a "second reading" in the House?

After receiving a favorable recommendation from a standing committee, the second reading is considered complete after adoption of the committee report by the full body and the legislation is placed on a House reading calendar. 

(rule reference: HR4-4-101)


Who is allowed to present legislation in a House standing committee vs a Senate standing committee?

House = chief sponsor or the floor sponsor

Senate = chief sponsor or any other legislator designated by the chief sponsor

(rule reference: SR3-2-306; HR3-2-306)


What happens if the governor does not approve a concurrent resolution?

OLRGC converts it to a joint resolution.

(rule reference: JR4-5-104)


True or False: A standing committee may make a motion to reconsider the committee's action on legislation if the Rules Committee has possession of it.


False. Legislation must be in the possession of the standing committee and listed on the committee's agenda. 

(rule reference: SR3-2-409; HR3-2-409)


True or False: A policy analyst may help guide a committee chair on how to manage public comment.



What action constitutes a "second reading" in the Senate?

After receiving a favorable recommendation from a standing committee, the legislation is placed on the Senate's 2nd reading calendar. The second reading is considered complete after debate and passage of the legislation by the full body. 

(rule reference: SR4-4-101)


Does a chair have to recognize a committee member who wishes to address the committee?

Yes. House and Senate rules require that "a chair SHALL recognize a committee member who desires to speak to a subject that is under consideration by a standing committee."

(rule reference: SR3-2-311; HR3-2-311)


What are and are not considered nonbinding resolutions?

A nonbinding resolution's purpose is to recognize, honor, or memorialize an individual/group/event, to request action or awareness, or is intended to be informational/promotional in nature. 

A nonbinding resolution is not a rules resolution, a resolution for a constitutional amendment, or a resolution that approves/authorizes any action/requires substantive action/results in a change in law, policy, or funding. 

(reference: HR3-2-405)


What is the difference between a "point of order" and a "point of information"?

Point of order: If a committee member is concerned that a legislative rule or procedure is not being followed, a committee member may call for a point of order at any time during the meeting except during a vote. A point of order is not a motion. 

(rule reference: SR3-2-506; HR3-2-507)

Point of information: If a committee member desires clarification on any aspect of a meeting, a committee member may call for a point of information at any time during the meeting except during a vote. A point of information is not a motion. 

(rule reference: SR3-2-507; HR3-2-508)


Once you have posted an agenda and your meeting is less than 24 hours from starting, what changes to the agenda are you prohibited from making?

You may not:

1. Add a piece of legislation to the agenda


When do the amendments or substitutes a standing committee recommends become legally a part of the legislation?

Upon adoption of the committee report. 

(rule reference: SR4-4-101; HR4-4-101)


Once a motion has been made in a standing committee meeting, what is the procedure for allowing responses to the motion?

1. Motion

2. Committee questions and debate

3. Chief sponsor responds to the motion

4. Maker of the motion has final word

(rule reference: SR3-2-313; HR3-2-313)


True or False: In the House and Senate, a nonbinding resolution is automatically placed on the consent calendar?

False, this only applies to the House.

(reference: HR3-2-405)


What is the maximum number of words allowed for a verbal amendment in a standing committee meeting?

House = 15 

Senate = 25 

(rule reference: SR3-2-406; HR3-2-406)


What should a policy analyst do to ensure the committee will hear the correct substitute or amendment for a piece of legislation?

Policy analysts should always check with the drafting attorney to see if there are substitutes or amendments for a piece of legislation on an agenda and check online


What is a conference committee?

If the Senate refuses to concur with House amendments to a Senate bill or if the House refuses to concur with Senate amendments to a House bill, a committee of 3 members from each body will be appointed by the speaker and the president in order to reach an agreement. 

(rule reference: JR3-2-901)


What is the procedure in a House standing committee meeting when a substitute motion is made?

1. Substitute motion

2. Maker of the original motion responds to the substitute motion

3. Committee members debate

4. Chief sponsor responds to the motion

5. Maker of the substitute motion has the final word

(rule reference: HR3-2-313)


Can legislation be substituted, amended, or disposed of during the presentation phase?

No, unless it is a "simple motion to amend or substitute" in the Senate, or a "simple motion to amend" in the House. 

A "simple motion to amend or substitute" and a "simple motion to amend" is allowed IF the chair permits committee questions and debate, public comment, sponsor response, and the committee member who made the motion final response. 

(rule reference: SR3-2-306; HR3-2-306)


What must be true for a committee to make a motion that legislation is placed on the consent calendar in the House vs. the Senate?


1. Vote to favorably recommend is unanimous

2. Vote to place the legislation on the consent calendar is unanimous 

3. The legislation's fiscal note is less than $10,000


1. Vote to favorably recommend is unanimous

2. Chief sponsor requests that the legislation be placed on the consent calendar

3. Vote to place the legislation on the consent calendar is unanimous 

(rule reference: SR3-2-405; HR3-2-405)


Once you have posted an agenda and your meeting is less than 24 hours from starting, what changes to the agenda are you allowed to make?

You may:

1. remove a piece of legislation from the agenda

2. change the room as long as it is to another room at the capitol complex

3. change the time of the meeting to a later time 


What is the rule for public comment during a conference committee?

While conference committees are open to the public, public comment is prohibited unless a majority of committee members from one house and at least 50% from the other house vote to allow public comment.

(rule reference: JR3-2-902)