Whole Health
Creative Endeavors

How can a healthy leisure lifestyle alleviate stress??

What is most people pursue hobbies because they enjoy them, and many things that we enjoy doing help relieve stress in our lives. Some of these ideas may also help create a calm atmosphere to reduce stress. Examples: Cooking or baking, gardening, taking a walk, singing, reading, or playing a musical instrument.


Paying attention on purpose, being present in the moment. 

What is mindfulness? 

What are some ways to be mindful in in the moment? 


_________ allows you to clarify your thoughts by writing them out.

What is Journaling


"Young man, there's no need to feel down. I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground"

What is your local YMCA or other fitness club for exercise and socialization. 


"I have an achy back." 

What is pain?   


How will you sleep better by having a healthy leisure lifestyle??

What is being more active during the day helps create a more restful night’s sleep. Just be sure to do more active hobbies earlier in the day so you can be sure to have enough time to wind down before bed.


This essential to our survival but often overlooked in daily life? 

What is breathing. 

There are many benefits to relaxed breathing. It can help your body and mind become calm. It can help you deal with stress. Practicing breathing before bed can help you fall asleep. Studies show that breathing exercises can help lower blood pressure.1 Breathing exercises are often used along with other treatments.


Impressionism, Expressionism, Abstract, and Futurism are a few forms of this creative endeavor that improves creativeness, memory, and emotional release.

What is painting


Winston Churchill said this... "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." 

Volunteer Work can help support recovery goals. It can help you learn new skills, meet a new group of people, explore interest or possible employment, and improve self-esteem.  


I don't get paid until the end of the month 

What is lack finances to pay for activities. 

What can oy think of that's free to participate in or go do? 


Benefits of activities that involve moving the body??

What is Physical exercise,( gardening, cleaning, washing your car,  walking you dog included) any movement  is good for mind, body and spirit.  Movement and build strength and balance prevent falls, promotes sleep and helps keep a healthy weight. Team sports allow for socialization and cooperation. 


Who developed this model? 

Who Is Maslow?   Personal development helps you reach your full protentional. 

What are you currently doing for personal growth? 


Regularly playing or learning any ________ is a great form of exercise for the brain. promotes  concentration, memory, listening and improves problem solving skills. 

What is an instrument


"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

Five places to go for fun? 

Movies, bowling, ice skating, roller rink, art center museums, public library, local parks, on a hike, bird watching and so many more..... 


I just don't want to around people 

What is wanting to isolate/feeling down/increased anxiety and depression. 


How can you improve self-esteem through a healthy leisure lifestyle?

Skill mastery, development of new skills or relearning and re-engaging in past interests. Challenges promote resilience.  


Unscramble this word : 


What is gratitude.... 

  • improve sleep quality.
  • improve emotional regulation.
  • increase feelings of happiness and positive mood.
  • foster hope for the future.
  • reduce stress, burnout, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • increase resilience

What are you grateful for right now? 


This will not only help your physical fitness, but also help express emotions, relieve stress, and improve confidence and self-esteem. When offered an opportunity you should "jump on it". 

What is dancing


________________ will be a good resource to help with my recovery? 

Friends/family, RRTP and other VA staff, peers from my program, VA crisis line - AA and other recovery support groups.   Can you think of others?  


All my friends use 

What is socializing with people that are not helpful for my recovery and sobriety. 


Why is it important to have leisure activities to cover different domains?

Creative, social, cognitive, physical, spiritual. 

Leisure gives a person the balance needed to focus on his or her other, more stressful, daily activities. Leisure time relieves boredom and stress and also improves one's physical and emotional health. Creative outlets help with recharge, socialization prevents isolation help us connect, cognitive pursuits can prevent dementia helps with neuroplasticity, physical fitness can prevent chronic disease, relieve  s/s of depression, promote better sleep and spiritual practices can help provide clarity and manage stress. 


Behavior changes and habits are more effective when they are associated with your ___________.? 


How do your values effective what you do in your free time for recreation and leisure? 

Balance, compassion, kindness, creativity, intelligence, growth, security, honestly, teamwork, adventure, freedom...... 


Writing ________ is a way to grow emotionally and intellectually. Robert Frost is famous for this.

What is poetry


This local volunteer organization with provide transportation,  advocacy, and a listening ear to Veterans. 

What Qualified Listeners? 

(720) 600-0860 


This barrier may be less of a barrier and more of an excuse in our mind for not doing something? 

What is a perceived barrier? 

Change can be challenging and not doing something is often easier.  Is there fear, lack of skill, discomfort. time management issues or other mindset based thinking holding you back from healthy lifestyle changes.