Recreation and Leisure definitions
Types of recreation examples
Leisure Resources
Leisure Coping Methods
Benefits from Leisure

What is  Recreation? 

Activities one does for their own enjoyment


Give the definition and one example of a social activity you enjoy, per person on your team. 

Definition: Activities done with other people

Did your example fit with this definition? 


The _____ is the leading nonprofit committed to strengthening community by empowering young people, improving the health and well-being of people of all ages and inspiring action in and across communities.



What is the definition a recreation and leisure based coping skill? 

a recreational activity a person uses to deal with stress or uncomfortable emotions.


How is Physical Activity Beneficial for an individuals well being?

Physical activity done over a consistent period can also help in improve overall, health, and quality of life. 


What is the definition of the word hobby? 

an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a job or obligation. 


Give the definition and two example of a relaxation activity you enjoy, per person on your team. 

Definition: Activities a person does to feel calm, distract or cope with stressors .

Did your examples fit with this definition? 


You are struggling to find a new activity to do, what are four ways you can find inspiration. 

Ask your friends to tell you what they enjoy 


Check to see if their are clubs/sports teams in your area you are interested in 

Ask your parents for help 

Ask Lindsey or Madison for help 

Ask staff for help 


Each person on your team name one recreation and leisure based coping skills they like. Cannot repeat

Tell me 


How can games such as Word searches, Crossword Puzzles, Brain games, Soduko, or Card games be beneficial to an individuals well-being?

 Challenge your mental abilities, enhance your problem solving skills, and improve memory. Most hobbies also offer mental stimulation in reference to completing the task.


What is the definition of Leisure?

Leisure is the time in which you have to have to participate in activities (recreation) that you personally enjoy


Give the definition and one example of a intellectual activities you enjoy, per person on your team.

Definition: Activities people do to work their brains

Did your examples fit with this definition? 


List 5 places that you engage in recreational activities outside of your home. 

Book stores/ library, shopping center, restaurants, sports arena, parks, clubs, dance hall, museums, gym, pool, and at home. 


How can having a leisure coping method help you overcome uncomfortable feelings or unwanted behaviors? 

You can to regain control in a healthy way, participate in something that promotes joy, distract from the uncomfortable emotion until you are ready to process it, feel increased confidant about self. 


True or False activities such as board games, contests, art, and anything that involves self expression and socialization can improve self-esteem

What is True


What does the term special interest mean? 

A special interest is when a person (most often an autistic or adhd person)  has an intense focus on a specific subject, and wants to learn about that subject, or think about that subject, above all else.


Give the definition and three example of a physical  activities you enjoy, per person on your team.

Definition: Activities that get your body moving

Do your examples fit that definition? 


List one  club, activity or sports team you may want join when you are back in school, per person on your team

Tell me 

What does a mastery over an activity mean? 

an activity that a person can do well, typically as a result of study or practice.


True or false? Does engaging in Leisure activities during the day create a restful nights sleep?

True, Being more active during the day helps create a more restful night’s sleep. 

Just be sure to do more active hobbies earlier in the day so you can be sure to have enough time to wind down before bed.


What does S.M.A.R.T. in smart goals stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely


Each member of your team must tell me what category of recreation they enjoy the most and why

Tell me! 


You want to participate in a new activity (ex: yoga classes, knitting/sewing classes/ art classes, CrossFit etc...). What information is it important to collect about the activity when searching on the web? 

Give three examples 

Location: where is this Activtiy located 

Cost: How much will the classes cost and do I need to buy supplies? 

Transportation: ways I can get to the activity

Age appropriate: are there youth classes or people my age participating in this activity? 


How can recreation and leisure reduce stress or uncomfortable emotions. 

Recreation and Leisure can...

Distraction for rumination, impulse, uncomfortable emotions/ stressful situations. 

increase feel good chemicals (endorphins, dopamine, serotonin) 

Increase self-esteem

Increase sense  of Autonomy 

Decrease loneliness 


Each person on your team name one benefit of patriating in recreation. You cannot repeat what we have said so far or what your teammates have said. 

Tell me