Leisure Benefits
Leisure Resources
Leisure Barriers
Leisure to cope
Leisure Activities

Leisure activities are more than just something you do in your free time. They have a positive impact on your ____ and ____ health. 

Physical and mental 


What is the name of the local public transportation in St. Charles City?



Something that keeps you from doing what you want to do is a ____ ______

Leisure barrier


How can you use leisure to help you cope

Participating in leisure reduces stress, feeling of accomplishment, distract from negative thoughts


List some leisure activities that can be done outside

Camping, golfing, skating, sledding, fishing


True or false: Participating in leisure can prevent/manage symptoms like depression and anxiety



How can you learn about new leisure activities?

Researching on the internet, talking to family, friends, or peers (word of mouth), library, TV, magazines.


Name 3 leisure barriers you experience on this unit

not able to go outside, spend money, access to hobbies


List 3 mood enhancing leisure activities 

Going on a hike, having a picnic in the park, hanging out with friends, doing art, listening to music et. 


A kind of leisure activity that provides both a physical and mental benefit

Being physically active, working out or playing sports. 


What is a benefit of participating in healthy, safe forms of leisure? 

Physical health, self esteem, reduce stress, growth and development of new skill, fun


Where could you go to meet new people/make friends

Gym, volunteering, book/game clubs (any club that shares common interests as you), dog parks, community centers


If you do not own a mode of transportation how do you get to the places you want to go?

walk, bus, public transportation, taxi, call friend/family


What type of leisure would be beneficial to someone who is anxious

Relaxation/Spiritual (meditate) or physical (getting the body moving helps release anxiety)


List some leisure activities that can be done for free

Dancing, singing, writing, hiking, swimming (if you live by lake) bird watching, running, spending time with friends


How could participating in physical leisure activities such as sports, walking, or going to the gym benefit you? 

Exercising can increase endorphins in the brain which are happy chemicals, therefore decreasing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Another benefit of engaging in physical leisure activities is building strength, gaining confidence, and overall maintaining a healthy body. 


Name 5 types of transportation you can use to get you to your leisure pursuits 

Walk, bus, public transit, lyft/uber, call a friend


Name one way that you can overcome not having any money to engage in leisure interests

Find free/cheap activities 


What leisure activities may help an individual cope with depression 

Exercising, meditating, journaling, talking/hanging out with friends, listening to music

A creative kind of leisure that allows for self expression and improves self esteem 

Arts, crafts, creating and designing. Painting, yarn, wood working, photography. 


How could doing cross word puzzles, word searches, soduko, and card games benefit you?

These activities require you to use your mental abilities which enhances problem solving skills and improves memory


Name 5 places you can spend leisure time near you

library, gym, community center, park, museum, the mall, restaurants, pool


What are 3 leisure barriers that could stop you from taking a walk in your neighborhood

weather, traffic, injury or symptoms, no time


What are unhealthy leisure activities used to cope with stress

Substance use, self harm, over or under eating, zoning out into your TV or phone for a long time, over sleeping, isolating


Leisure activities that boost cognitive function

Playing instrument, chess, playing video games, puzzles