This is the start of Lent.
Ash Wednesday
The season of Lent lasts for this many days.
She walked with Jesus and stayed at the foot of the cross.
Jesus' crown was made of this.
He betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Judas Iscariot
The day when Jesus was crucified.
Good Friday
This color is worn during Lent.
This is how many times Jesus fell.
The ashes you receive on your forehead come from this.
blessed palms
The very first celebration of the Eucharist was also this.
the Last Supper
The final Sunday of Lent.
Palm Sunday
This is not said during Lent.
Alleluia or The Gloria
This is how many Stations of the Cross there are.
This symbol is prominent in all Catholic churches.
Pilate wrote INRI above Jesus, which means this.
Jesus the Nazarean, King of the Jews
This marks the end of the Lenten season and is often associated with the washing of feet.
Holy Thursday
These are the three pillars of Lent.
prayer, fasting, almsgiving
This man was conscripted to help Jesus carry his cross.
St. Simon of Cyrene
Jesus is often referred to as this, and the image is commonly found on Tabernacles.
Lamb of God (or lamb)
This is the place where Jesus was crucified.
The darkest day - the day before the Resurrection.
Holy Saturday
In Old English, the word "Lent" means this.
She used her veil to wipe the face of Jesus (and it is kept at St. Peter's Basilica, where the image can still be seen on it today!).
This is extinguished on Good Friday and remains unlit until the Easter Vigil.
Sanctuary Candle
He asked for Jesus' body for burial.
Joseph of Arimathea