Context Clues
Citing Evidence
Journey Events
Leon Bridges


reluctant to speak or to show one's feelings.

What is a context clue?

Hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words


Why didn't Bridges dream of being a soul singer when he was growing up?

Bridges didn’t dream of being a soul singer because he didn’t think he could sing that well. He didn’t think he was “good enough to fit.” He also didn’t grow up listening to soul music.


What is the first event that happened in Bridge's life according to the text? 

His parents separate from each other when he was 7.


When did Leon's parents separate?

7 years old



something that shows respect and admiration to someone.


What is most closely the meaning of the word timbre as it is used in the following passage (paragraph 4)?

"Bridges has a beatific gospel timbre that suggests church-choir experience — but he was too insecure to actually audition. "I didn't think I could sing," says Bridges. "I knew I could do stuff here and there, but didn't think I was good enough to fit."



 Why did Leon Bridges have difficulty fitting in as a kid? Cite specific evidence or make inferences drawn from the text to support your answer.

He had trouble fitting in because he didn’t know where he could fit in. He didn’t think he was a very good singer, and he wore 1950s clothes that were given to him by his mom’s friend, which might have seemed strange to other kids.


What happens after Bridges dances in his garage?

He studies dance at a local community college.


When did Leon sign with Columbia records?




extremely happy


Identify the context clues that define authentic

...recording live on all analog gear, including a soundboard once owned by the Grateful Dead. 


The textual evidence below from the last paragraph supports that Bridges is most concerned with ....

"I don't like to write flashy soul songs," says Bridges. "I'm writing from the heart, stories about family and truth. I just want people to see a genuine person."

That Bridges is most concerned with the authenticity and emotions evoked by his songs.


After Bridges struggled to attract people to his shows, his mother lost her medical field job, and he started washing dishes, what happened next?

He meets Austin Jenkins of White Denim.

Who influenced Leon's change in music style?

Sam Cooke



someone excluded from society; an outcast


Identify the context clues that define audition

...but I didn't think I was good enough to fit."


Cite specific details from the text to describe how Bridges developed the sense of style he’s now known for in his performances. What is ironic or unexpected about the actual origins of Bridges’ style?

Bridges developed his style as a teen when his mom’s friend gave him his 1950s childhood clothing though some call it a “marketing scheme.” It is ironic that his clothing style developed before his singing style, but they still match.


How did Bridges know that he "made" it?

Leon releases music video for "Coming Home".

Leon has the platform to be a political activist.

Leon was able to support his mother.


What did Leon study in college? and who inspired him?

Dance, inspired by his Dad (moonwalk)