Measure of Central Tendancy
Volume and Area
The high temperatures for a 7-day week during December in Chicago were 29 degrees, 31 degrees, 28 degrees, 32 degrees, 29 degrees, 27 degrees, and 55 degrees. Find the average high temperature for the week.
What is 33 degrees.
Carol spends 17 hours in a 2-week period practicing her culinary skills. How many hours does she practice in 5 weeks?
What is 42.5 hours.
A square has a perimeter of 24 inches. What is the area of the square?
What is 36 inches squared
A first grade class took a poll to find out their favorite ice cream. 1/4 chose chocolate, 1/4 chose vanilla and 1/2 chose strawberry. 2 kids are lactose intolerant and can't eat ice cream. If there are 22 kids in the class, how many kids liked each flavor?
What is 5 chocolate, 5 vanilla and 10 strawberry
School lunches cost $14.50 per week. How much would 15.5 weeks of lunches cost?
What is $224.75
The batting averages for 10 members of a baseball team are 0.234, 0.256, 0.321, 0.333, 0.290. 0.240, 0.198, 0.222, 0.300, and 0.276. Find the median batting average.
What is 0.266
In the typing world, 80 words per minute is considered acceptable. How many words per 30 minutes is this?
What is 2400 words.
A square kitchen has an area of 100 square feet. What is the kitchen’s perimeter?
What is 40
Greg and Peter bought a large pizza to share. Greg ate 5/8 of the pizza. What fraction of the pizza was left for Peter?
What is 3/8
student earns $11.75 per hour for gardening. If she worked 21 hours this month, then how much did she earn?
What is $246.75
In a basketball game between Kennedy High School and Lincoln High School, the Lincoln players’ individual points were 23, 4, 6, 11, 4, 7, 8, 12, 3, and 5. Find the mode of the individual points.
What is 4.
In a shipment of 400 parts, 14 are found to be defective. How many defective parts should be expected in a shipment of 1000?
What is 35 defective ones
Molly and Ted built pens for their dogs. Molly made a pen 12 meters by 8 meters. Ted's pen is 15 meters by 6 meters. Who will need more fencing to build the pen?
Who is Molly
A recipe for banana muffins call for 3/4 cup of sugar. You are only making half the recipe. How much sugar should you put in?
What is 3/8
A member of the school track team ran for a total of 179.3 miles in practice over 61.5 days. How many miles did he average per day?
What is 3.8 miles
Olivia swims the 50-yard freestyle for the Mud Dogs swim team. Her times in the last six meets were 26.89 seconds, 26.27 seconds, 25.18 seconds, 25.63 seconds, 27.16 seconds, and 27.18 seconds. Find the mean and median of her swimming times.
What is 26.385 (mean) and 26.58 (median)
Mary can read 22 pages in 30 minutes. How long would it take her to read a 100 page book? Write your answer in hours and minutes and round to the nearest minute, if needed.
What is 1 hour 13 minutes
A lap pool is 8 m long, 6 m wide and 1.5 m deep. How much water can this pool hold in meters cubed?
What is 72 meters cubed.
Jessica bought 4/5 of a pound of chocolates and ate 1/3 of a pound. How much was left?
What is 7/15
A store owner has 7.11 lbs. of candy. If she puts the candy into 9 jars, how much candy will each jar contain?
What is 0.79 lbs
7 is what measure of this set of number. 3, 4, 7, 10, 3, 8, 15
What is the median.
A worker can complete the assembly of 15 tape players in 6 hours. At this rate, how many can the worker complete in a 40-hour work week?
What is 100 players
A cylindrical container with a radius of 10 cm and a height of 5 cm is filled with water. How much can it hold?
What is 1,500 cm cubed
You have a 3/4 pound of trail miz for your camping trip. You want to split them into bags of 1/16. How many bags can you make?
What is 12
What is the average speed in miles per hour of a plain that travels 9,564 miles in 15.9 hours? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
What is 601.5