Leopold is best known by millions of people around the globe for what book?
A Sand County Almanac
Despite the eventual overwhelming success of the book, Aldo never knew his collection of essays by its title. You may know that A Sand County Almanac was published posthumously by Aldo’s children. In fact, Aldo passed away one week after learning that it had been accepted for publication by Oxford University Press. Aldo had titled his masterpiece Great Possessions, but the publisher thought it was too similar to Dickens’ Great Expectations. Thus, a classic was born under a different name: A Sand County Almanac.
Who is NOT commemorated by a national park or national historic site?
Theodore Roosevelt
Edgar Allan Poe
Jimmy Carter
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe
There is no national park unit named for abolitionist and “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” author Stowe. There is a Theodore Roosevelt National Park, in North Dakota; and national historic sites commemorate the poet Poe (in Philadelphia) and former president Carter (in Plains, Georgia).
What's Kentucky's state nickname and why?
Kentucky is often referred to as the "Bluegrass State." This nickname comes from the bluegrass that grows abundantly in the state, giving its pastures a unique bluish hue.
What number president was Lincoln?
Define: Slaps
Used to describe how exceptional something is.
What year was Leopold born?
What national park reaches three states?
Yellowstone reaches into three states: Wyoming, Montana and Idaho.
What was the Kentucky state tree before it was changed to the tulip tree?
The old official state tree was the Kentucky coffee tree.
What year was Lincoln born?
Define: Ate
Phrase used to show admiration or praise for someone who succeeded or performed well in something.
Among Aldo Leopold’s best-known ideas is the “land ethic,” which calls for what type of relationship between people and nature?
ethical / caring
What state has the most National Parks?
California has the most national parks (nine), followed by Alaska (eight), Utah (five), and Colorado (four).
The official song of the state of Kentucky is called…
‘My Old Kentucky Home’
How tall was Lincoln?
6’ 4”
Define: Living rent-free
If something is living rent-free, that means you can't stop thinking about it.
Aldo Leopold is considered the father of…
American Wildlife / American ecology
The U.S National Park furthest south is…
American Samoa
The southernmost U.S. national park is in the 9,000-acre National Park of American Samoa, located on three Samoan islands. It protects coral reefs, rain forests, mountains and beaches.
Which horse track hosts the longest continually running horse race in the US, the Kentucky Derby?
Churchill Downs
What was Lincoln’s middle name?
He did not have one!
Define: Sending me
Another term to use if you find something particularly funny.