What is the masculine plural word for interesting in french?
How do you say the big girl in french
La grande fille
What does BAGS stand for?
Beauty, Age, Goodness, Size
Which ian rrégulier adjectif ending is NOT masculin singulier ? if, que, os, eur, ifs
How do you say the big boy in french?
Le grand garcon
What is the feminine plural for talkative?
How does BAGS work?
If the word falls under BAGS it goes before the noun.
Can Irrégulier words end in the letter X?
Le garcons bavards m'ennuient
No S at the end of Le
Les filles bavardes ennuient
No m'ennuient.
Which word does NOT fall under BAGS? Vieux, Belle, Mauvais, ou lent
How many endings are there?