The French translation for not.
The English translation of "Je ne mange pas pommes".
I do not eat apples
The english translation for "Je n’ai pas aimé la plage".
I did not like the beach
The French translation for "I don’t know it".
Je ne le sais pas
The French translation for Never.
The english translation for “My mom doesn't like cats.”
Ma mère n’aime pas les chats.
The English translation for "Bob did not like his dog."
Bob n'a pas aimé son chien
The French translation for "I do not speak to him/her".
Je ne lui parle pas
The English translation for pas encore.
Not yet
The French translation for "Nothing can help".
Rien ne peut aider
The French translation for "The cat did not eat fish."
Le chat n’a pas mangé de poisson
The negative form/opposite meaning of "Je la connais."
Je ne la connais pas
The English translation for Ne...Rien.
The negative form/opposite meaning of "I can listen."
Je ne peux pas écouter
The negative form/opposite meaning for "You liked the television."
Tu n’as pas aimé la télé
The French translation for "We cannot help them".
Nous ne pouvons pas les aider.
The French translation for No one.
The French translation for "I no longer go to classes."
Je ne vais plus cours
The French translation for "No one watched the match".
Personne n’a regardé le match
The French translation for "No one wants to buy it."
Personne ne veut l’acheter