Les ingredients
Butter in French
What is Buerre?
Coupez la pomme en dés means...
Dice the apple
le bol en métal
metal bowl
A plate in French
Un assiette
5 in French is...
Vinegar in French
What is vinaigre?
Ajoutez means...
to add
une cuillère à table
a fork
une fourchette
Je m'appelle means...
My name is
Flour in French
What is farine?
To squish in French
un gant de plastique
plastic glove
mélangez ensemble
mix together/to mix
trente means...
Brown sugar in French
What is sucre brun?
je sèche means...
I dry
le four
la tôle pour biscuits
cookie sheet
l'hiver means...
Cinnamon in French
What is cannelle?
saupoudrez la farine means...
sprinkle the flour
un tablier
an apron
what is the French word for cookie?
un biscuit
Thank you in French is...