If you are a friend you are
What is amicus?
What is Anno Domini?
They will be
What is erunt?
What is Italia occupat?
Constellation is a derivative of this Latin word
What is stella?
1 year is this but 2 is this
What is annus and anni?
In John 13:36, after Jesus tells the apostles that he will only be with them a little longer, Peter asks him this question
What is Domine, quo vadis?
We will be
What is erimus?
The Lord calls
What is Dominus vocat?
Winnie the Pooh is one of these animals in Latin
What is ursa?
A servant would call his master this in Roman times
What is dominus?
This motto is on one sie of the Great Seal on our dollar bill
What is Novus ordo seclorum?
You will be
What is eris?
The sons sail
What is Filii navigant?
Your great grand grandma's china may be this word derived from this latin word
What is an antique, derived from the word ante?
A son in Latin
What is filius?
This phrase is one of th oldest recorded elements of the worship liturgy of the church. It's usually sung in Gregorian chant
What is Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth?
In Texas we say Y'all will be but in Rome we say
What is eritis?
The daughter will be first
What is Filia erit prima?
Quintuplets is a derivative of this word
What is quintus?
Anger in Latin
What is ira?
This is the motto of the stat of New York
Don't confuse this future tense of sum for european money
What is ero?
The bear always overcomes
What is Ursa semper superat?
What is septimus?