Crown Lesson 1
Part I
Crown Lesson 1
Part II
Sentence Pattern
Phrases (句)
Clauses (節)

Hirata Oriza is one of Japan's most famous ___
A) Poets
B) Cyclists
C) Playwrights

C) Playwrights


What did Dennis give Hirata?
A) A map
B) A directory
C) A dictionary

B) A directory


What sentence pattern is this?
"We drove to Wakayama"

<S + V>
[S = We] + [V = Drove]


Which 句 is used here?
Tomorrow, I want to go to USJ.
A) 分詞句
B) 動名詞句
C) 不定詞句

C) 不定詞句


Fill in the blank with a suitable word:
”He didn't tell me ____ he went."

He didn't tell me where he went.
He didn't tell me when he went.
He didn't tell me (if/that/whether) he went.


True or False:
People told Hirata his dreams were special and he should follow them.

False: People told Hirata to "forget his silly dreams" and to "keep his feet on the ground."


From where did Hirata start his bicycle tour?

Los Angeles Airport (California, USA)


Create a sentence using a <S + V + O> pattern.

For example:
I / eat / bread
I / love / bread
I / want / bread


Which of these sentences uses 動名詞句 ?
A) An important part of health is to sleep well.
B) Sleeping well is good for your health.
C) You should sleep 8 hours every night.

B) Sleeping well is good for your health.


これは完全な文ですか?Yes or No
Whether he comes or not

NO! We need more informationだよ!
For example: Whether he comes or not is not important.


What is Hirata Oriza's motto?

"Flexibility and optimism"


True or False: Hirata mostly didn't understood Dennis's English.

True: "I could hardly understand his English" (p.6)


Create a sentence using a <S + V + C> pattern.

For example:

Bread smells good
Bread is delicious


One word is missing. Add a word and re-arrange to make a correct sentence:
[ travel / goal / around / is / my / world / the ]

[ My / goal / is / to / travel / around / the / world ]


What is the direct object <DO> of the sentence?
My mother asked me if I will stay in Japan for another year.

My mother / asked / me / if I will stay in Japan for another year


How did Hirata's parents feel about his dream?

His parents supported him and respected his wish to be independent.


Where was Hirata's final destination (行き先) in America?

New York


What sentence pattern is this?
"They voted Taylor Swift Artist of the Decade"
(彼らはテイラー・スウィフトを「Artist of the Decade」に投票しました)

<S + V + O + C>
<S = They> + <V + voted> <O = Taylor Swift> <C = Artist of the Decade>


Create a sentence using 分詞句。

For example:
She was found studying in the library.
Damaged in many places, my phone had to be fixed.
The man was seen eating lunch by the Kamo River.


Continue the sentence using a clause (節):
I want to know ________________ .

For example:
I want to know where you went last night.
I want to know when the meeting will start.
I want to know if the coffee shop is open.


Hirata worked during the day to make money for his trip. What 3 jobs did he have?

• He worked in a ramen shop.
• He worked in a bakery.
• He worked as a newspaper boy.


Hirata says "so much of life depends on _______ ."

"So much of life depends on luck and chance."


Create a sentence using a <S + V + IO + DO> pattern. 

For example:
I / made / my mother / cookies / for her birthday.
My brother / gave / me / a watch / as a graduation gift.


Translate the sentence using a <S + V + O + C> pattern:

[SheS] [keptV] [a diaryO] [hidden in her roomC]


Translate using 節:

Because I was asleep, I don't know when the earthquake happened.