The word meaning to turn aside or in another direction
What is divert?
The word meaning inclined to say the opposite or deny, inconsistent
What is contradictory?
What is an antonym for invertebrate
What does the prefix di- mean
apart or aside
What does the word advertise mean
describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.
The word meaning causing movement backward, or to change or turn in a different direction
What is reverse?
The word meaning inclined to oppose and be stubborn, opposite
What is contrary?
What is an antonym for "for"
What does the root vers/vert mean
What does the word introvert mean
A shy person
The word meaning talented, not limited, able to turn easily from one thing to another
What is versatile?
The word meaning to point out differences; to set apart one as unlike another
What is contrast?
What is an antonym for similarity
What does the root contra mean
What does the word extravert mean
an outgoing, overtly expressive person
The word meaning a way of presenting, a point of view
What is version?
The word meaniung debatable, stirring up opinions that turn against each other and clash
What is controversial?
What is an antonym for forward
What does the prefix re- mean
What does the word contraband mean
goods that have been imported or exported illegally
The word meaning against or in contrast to
What is versus?
What is an antonym for limited
What does the word adverse mean
preventing success or development; harmful; unfavorable