What does MSY stand for?
Maximum sustainable yield.
Define renewable resource.
A material that is found in nature that, when used correctly will continue grow for future years.
What is resource management?
Managing harvest of resources so that resources are not depleted.
What is an example of maximum sustainable yield?
Grazing animals on pasture. You want the animals to eat as much as possible to minimize the amount of hay being fed but at the same time, you have to keep in mind the future of that area as well.
What are the four main renewable resources?
True or False. Political leadership puts no pressure on resource managers.
False, politics do play a role in how decisions are made in some cases.
How is ecosystem based management different from maximum sustainable yield?
Ecosystem based management depends on the impact given from outside manipulation. Maximum sustainable yield is to maximize the amount of yield that you can take off of an area with the idea of being able to return to it in the future on a consistent basis.
Why is fresh water such a crucial aspect of humanity?
Fresh water is what humans, plants and animals drink. The rest of the water on Earth is salt water that can severely dehydrate any organisms that consume it. Fresh water is crucial for life to survive.
List 5 materials that require harvesting timber.
Paper, plywood, planks, foundations for housing, desks, tables, chairs, etc.
Define adaptive management, ecosystem based management and maximum sustainable yield.
Adaptive management: scientifically testing different management approaches in an area, one after another and then customizing an approach based on the data.
Ecosystem based management: Harvesting resources in a way that minimizes impact on the current ecosystem.
Maximum sustainable yield: harvest the maximum amount of a resource without reducing the amount for future harvests.
How can a wild animal be a renewable resource?
If managed properly, wild animals can continuously provide us with food and fibers for years to come.
How does "poaching" affect the local ecosystem?
Poaching is the act in which you hunt species that are considered to be endangered or close to endangered. Poaching would affect the local ecosystem by "taking a link out of the chain". Ecosystems have been functioning in all areas for thousands of years and poaching would lead to a disruption in that cycle depending on what the organism that gets hunted is.
What is the goal between all three management strategies and how do they relate to one another?
Maximum sustainable yield is the focus on maximizing output while understanding that the material needs to be used in the long run of the future. Ecosystem based management regards the understanding that in order to harvest material, each individual ecosystem needs to be kept in mind and to not disrupt it. Adaptive management can be applied to both MSY and ecosystem based management due to going through that trial and error process and understanding what works and what does not depending on the location.
How is soil considered a renewable resource?
If managed properly, allowing soil to be fertile and rich in nutrients allow the plants that we grow to be healthy and produce higher yields. If soil nutrients are depleted, there is a higher chance that lower yields of that plant will be produced and eventually lead to a decrease in food production.
If you had a job working at a local logging company, what would YOU do to maximize amount harvested but at the same time, minimize your footprint on local ecosystems in the area?
I would be watching a monitoring older trees to harvest, allow the younger ones to grow closer to maturity. Once harvesting the older trees at a job site, begin planting new growth to allow that area to "reset" and begin growing again.