How many levels are there in Chungdahm? Name them all
EC1, EC2, EC3, EC4, Mega, Giga, Tera, Bridge, Par, Birdie, Eagle, Albatross, Albatross +, Master, Grand Master
What is the first lesson we learned?
Smart Technology in our lives
How old am I?
Where does the President of the United States live while in office?
The White House
what does gender mean?
female & Male
How many teachers are there?
What is the title of lesson 6?
Physical Characteristic of Neanderthals
What is my MBTI?
What is the name of the toy cowboy in Toy Story?
What does hygiene?
What is the names of the teachers?
Eric, Taylor, Hannah, Katherine, My Chau, Molly, Kelsey, Christopher, Rachel, Ayman, Jackson, Yasmin, Angela, Dionna
Sometimes held for people attached to _____
the music industry
How many siblings do I have?
one is 4 years older, and one is 1 min older
Who was the first man to step on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
What does Ambient mean?
existing around you
What year did Chungdahm start?
How is every lesson structured?
Connect, Activate (reading), Skim, Summarize, Scan, Discuss, Activate (listening), Comprehend, take notes, Scan, Collaborate,
extra: practice, wrap up
What is my korean name? Spell it in English
Who was the 16th president of the United States?
Abraham Lincoln
what does inadequacy mean?
not being good enough
Who is the founder (the person who created) of Chungdahm
Young Hwa Kim
What is the thesis of the second lesson reading?
American and British music has had impact on other cultures and has also been influenced by them
What high school did I go to?
Craig Kielburger Secondary School
Which country has the world’s oldest flag?
what does illiteracy mean?
can't read