9th Synonyms
9th Antonyms
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10th Synonyms
10th Antonyms

The song's rise to the top of the chart had been meteoric. 

A) Slow            B) Indirect

C) Fast             D) Surprising

C) Fast


Jack grew weary of Bobby's always deprecating any new idea. 

A) Criticizing                B)Belittling

C) Embracing               D) Ignoring

C) Embracing


A child is most likely to remonstrate with a parent about which of the following? 

A) Bedtime                   B) Playtime

C) Lunchtime                D) Anytime

A) Bedtime  


Woodworking classes were an adjunct to the mill's main business of selling lumber. 

A) Distraction              B) Intrusion

C) Addition                  D) Compliment

C) Addition


Her smile belied the ill will in her words. 

A) Supported               B) Hid

C) Revealed                 D) Contradicted

C) Revealed


Taylor's precocity in music had emerged by his third birthday. 

A) Aptitude         B) Intuition

C) Reputation      D) Enjoyment

A) Aptitude


Try not to discomfit newcomers with too many personal questions. 

A) Calm              B) Embarrass

C) Taunt              D) Perplex

A) Calm    


A virtuoso performance is most likely to be...

A) Funny                B) Boring

C) Long                  D) Excellent

D) Excellent


The carnage on U.S. Civil War battlefields claimed nearly an entire generation of American soldiers. 

A) Destruction            B) Fighting

C) Sacrifices               D) Memorials

A) Destruction


My neighborhood's diversity is evinced by the large number of nearby restaurants with food from different countries. 

A) Uniformity                B) Variety 

C) Population                D) Ethnicity

A) Uniformity


The science club was thrilled by the lab's proffer of meeting space and experimental materials. 

A) Suggestion                B) Offer

C) Request                    D) Mention

  B) Offer


Maria was careful not to trip on the rift in the sidewalk. 

A) Crack                      B) Break

C) Turn                        D) Repair

D) Repair


A dilemma is what sort of problem? 

A) An unusual one                    B) A simple one

C) A difficult one                      D) A routine one

C) A difficult one    


Home gardeners are in a constant struggle to eradicate weeds from their lawns. 

A) Remove                        B) Relocate

C) Suppress                       D) Clone

A) Remove


Bob was a notorious troublemaker who would foment a lunchtime food fight whenever he felt the conditions were ripe. 

A) Rouse                B) Instigate

C) Suppress            D) Start

C) Suppress    


To distinguish himself from his volubile twin, Brett tried to be more succinct. 

A) Quiet            B) Wordy

C) Concise         D) Kind

C) Concise      


Isabella's overbearing manner annoyed her coworkers. 

A) Pushy                   B) Submissive

C) Domineering         D) Arrogant

B) Submissive


To flout convention involves all of the following except which?

A) Reverence                  B) Ignoring

C) Scorn                         D) Disrespect

A) Reverence  


John Brown's insurrection began and ended with the raid on the armory at Harper's Ferry. 

A) Crusade              B) Campaign

C) Demonstration     D) Revolt

  D) Revolt


Some students feel that it is wise to take mandatory courses as soon as possible, while others are in no hurry to complete them. 

A) Elective                 B) Required

C) Elementary             D) Necessary

A) Elective


Jesse faced the principal with trepidation. 

A) Dread             B) Confidence

C) Relaxation       D) Anger

A) Dread


Getting a flat tire on the way to a job interview is particularly untoward. 

A) Favorable             B) Unlucky

C) Frustrating           D) Ominous

A) Favorable


A pretext does what to true motives? 

A) Supports them             B) Disguises them

C) Justifies them               D) Confuses them 

B) Disguises them


Edgar Allan Poe is singular among American writers. 

A) Famous              B) Popular

C) Exceptional         D) Mediocre

C) Exceptional


The swaying of the hammock and the crash of the surf had a somnolent effect on Yolanda. 

A) Peaceful                   B) Distracting

C) Soothing                  D) Stimulating

 D) Stimulating