Irregular Verbs
Story Comprehension
Making Inferences
Multiple-Meaning Words
When I am sick, I like to be ___. a. sway b. sedentary c. inevitable d. adamant
b. sedentary
Last week my mom ___ me to soccer practice. a. driven b. drove c. drived d. drive
b. drove
How are Charlotte and Fern ALIKE? a. Both are spiders. b. Both can weave. c. Both live in the barn. d. Both are fond of Wilbur.
d. Both are fond of Wilbur.
As Billy walked home from school on Friday, he noticed the piles of leaves forming in his neighbors' yards. On Saturday morning, Billy found gloves, a rake, a brook, and a box of leaf bags. Billy worked for two hours, until his yard was perfectly cleared. He looked at his work and saw that he had filled eight leaf bags. He laughed at their eyes, noses, and big, crooked smiles and thought they looked like huge pumpkins. As Billy was picking up his tools, one of the neighbors walked over. The neighbor looked at Billy's yard, and then he said he wished Billy would rake his yard, too. In which season does this story take place? a. summer b. fall c. spring d. winter
b. fall
Choose the best definition of the word as used in the sentence. I swung the BAT as hard as I could, but I missed the ball. a. a small, flying animal b. to strike something c. a stick used to hit a ball d. to wink or flutter
c. a stick used to hit a ball
My teacher was ___ that we all follow his rules. a. inevitable b. sedentary c. bristly d. adamant
d. adamant
I had ___ the ball into the hoop at least fifty times. a. threw b. throw c. thrown d. through
c. thrown
How can readers tell that "Charlotte's Web" is a fantasy? a. It has a plot that teaches a lesson. b. The events could not happen in real life. c. The story tells about real people from history. d. It gives facts and information about a subject.
b. The events could not happen in real life.
As Billy walked home from school on Friday, he noticed the piles of leaves forming in his neighbors' yards. On Saturday morning, Billy found gloves, a rake, a brook, and a box of leaf bags. Billy worked for two hours, until his yard was perfectly cleared. He looked at his work and saw that he had filled eight leaf bags. He laughed at their eyes, noses, and big, crooked smiles and thought they looked like huge pumpkins. As Billy was picking up his tools, one of the neighbors walked over. The neighbor looked at Billy's yard, and then he said he wished Billy would rake his yard, too. What do you already know about this season? a. Trees have green leaves. b. Snow covers tree branches. c. Leaves fall from the trees. d. Trees grow many new leaves.
c. Leaves fall from the trees.
Choose the best definition of the word as used in the sentence. The tiger had a thick, shiny COAT. a. an item of clothing b. an animal's fur c. a thin layer d. a protective cover
b. an animal's fur
Will you please ___ me by agreeing to come along? a. oblige b. sway c. confuse d. require
a. oblige
The last time I ___ peanut butter cookies to school, everyone enjoyed them. a. brought b. bring c. brung d. bringed
a. brought
What can readers tell about Wilbur? a. He does not give up easily. b. He saves string to use for webs. c. He worries about where to get food. d. He has always wanted to spin a web.
a. He does not give up easily.
As Billy walked home from school on Friday, he noticed the piles of leaves forming in his neighbors' yards. On Saturday morning, Billy found gloves, a rake, a brook, and a box of leaf bags. Billy worked for two hours, until his yard was perfectly cleared. He looked at his work and saw that he had filled eight leaf bags. He laughed at their eyes, noses, and big, crooked smiles and thought they looked like huge pumpkins. As Billy was picking up his tools, one of the neighbors walked over. The neighbor looked at Billy's yard, and then he said he wished Billy would rake his yard, too. Which season will come next? a. summer b. winter c. spring d. fall
b. winter
Choose the best definition of the word as used in the sentence. I have to use my RULER in math class. a. someone who rules a country b. a group that makes decisions and laws c. a flat piece of wood, plastic, or metal used for measuring d. a principle set to guide behavior and actions
c. a flat piece of wood, plastic, or metal used for measuring
The ___ day of the math test had come. a. inevitable b. adamant c. bristly d. sedentary
a. inevitable
Because we were late, we __ down the hall. a. run b. ran c. runned d. ranned
b. ran
What is MOST LIKELY to happen next? a. Wilbur will try to spin a web again. b. Wilbur and Charlotte will keep talking. c. Wilbur will visit the Queensborough Bridge. d. Wilbur will borrow more string from Templeton.
b. Wilbur and Charlotte will keep talking.
As Billy walked home from school on Friday, he noticed the piles of leaves forming in his neighbors' yards. On Saturday morning, Billy found gloves, a rake, a brook, and a box of leaf bags. Billy worked for two hours, until his yard was perfectly cleared. He looked at his work and saw that he had filled eight leaf bags. He laughed at their eyes, noses, and big, crooked smiles and thought they looked like huge pumpkins. As Billy was picking up his tools, one of the neighbors walked over. The neighbor looked at Billy's yard, and then he said he wished Billy would rake his yard, too. What color were the leaf bags? a. orange b. brown c. black d. gray
a. orange
Choose the best definition of the word as used in the sentence. Sara got a new dress to wear to the BALL. a. a round object b. to make round c. to throw d. a large dance
d. a large dance
I told Mom that my brother was being a ____. a. presentation b. nuisance c. require d. dreadful
b. nuisance
Dawson __ of a terrific idea for her science fair project. a. thought b. think c. thinked d. thank
a. thought
Which sentence BEST tells the lesson Wilbur learns in the story? a. Everyone has different talents. b. A true friend never leaves. c. Practice brings success. d. Trust is hard to earn.
a. Everyone has different talents.
As Billy walked home from school on Friday, he noticed the piles of leaves forming in his neighbors' yards. On Saturday morning, Billy found gloves, a rake, a brook, and a box of leaf bags. Billy worked for two hours, until his yard was perfectly cleared. He looked at his work and saw that he had filled eight leaf bags. He laughed at their eyes, noses, and big, crooked smiles and thought they looked like huge pumpkins. As Billy was picking up his tools, one of the neighbors walked over. The neighbor looked at Billy's yard, and then he said he wished Billy would rake his yard, too. Why did the neighbor want Billy to rake his leaves? a. The neighbor hated raking. b. The neighbor thought that Billy had done a good job. c. The neighbor thought that Billy needed the exercise. d. The neighbor felt sorry for Billy.
b. The neighbor thought that Billy had done a good job.
Choose the best definition of the word as used in the sentence. There was just a BIT of pie left in the pan. a. a small amount of something b. a metal bar in a horse's mouth, attached to the reins c. a tiny amount of computer information d. the piece on the end of a drill
a. a small amount of something