If you are _______, then you feel really cold.
Identify the word or words which make up the following contraction: won’t
will not
Which spelling pattern have we been studying this week?
Long Vowel /a/ea, ei(gh), ey
What is Ms. Boy’s favorite color?
If you ________ something, then you move it just a little.
Identify the TWO words which make up the following contraction: doesn't
does not
Which word has the same vowel pattern/sound as the word eight? eye, eat, sleigh, slide
Who is Ms. Boy’s favorite football team?
Double Jeopardy! 600 points. If you ________, you crouched or sat on the ground.
Identify the contraction in the following sentence. Then, identify the TWO words which make up the contraction. I wouldn't want you to be sad.
wouldn't (would not)
Which word has the same vowel pattern/sound as the word great? good, grand, neighbor, need
What are the names of Ms. Boy’s pets?
Romeo and Juliet
If you are _________, you are running in a playful way.
Double Jeopardy! 800 points. What is our focus skill in grammar this week?
Which word has the same vowel pattern/sound as the word obey? weigh, wear, outside, open
What is Ms. Boy’s favorite meal?
An ____________ takes the place of the missing letters in a contraction.
Double Jeopardy! 1000 points! Which word has the same vowel pattern/sound as the word steak? sweet, swipe, break, braid
Double Jeopardy!! What rule did Ms. Boy say we should always follow?
The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.