What was Paul Revere famous for?
He was famous for his midnight ride through Lexington.
Who fought at the battle of Lexington and Concord?
The British/Redcoats vs. The Colonial militiamen.
Who was 15 to 20 percent of the population?
A.) Patriots
B.) Loyalists
B.) Loyalists
The Continental Congress is a group of 55
What did militias defend?
They defended there town.
Who finished Paul Reveres midnight ride to Concord for him?
Samuel Prescott.
What time did the redcoats show up at Lexington?
5:00 AM
What side was the first president apart of?
The congress wanted to challenge who's control?
The British
What weapons did the militias provide on there own?
Who was Unanimously chosen as the first president of the Continental Congress
Peyton Randolph
Who retreated at the battle of Concord?
The Redcoats (British).
What was the name of the group that the patriots made out of juries of men?
"Committees of Safety"
What document said that Colonists were entitled to Life, Liberty, and Property.
Declaration of Rights
What is a militia?
Militia – a military force made up of ordinary citizens.
What did George Washington surprise attacks do?
They were the changing point in the war.
How many militiamen were at Concord and ready to fight?
Where did most Loyalists live?
New York
what document calls for a protest of British goods.
Suffolk resolves
Between what ages were you required to be in the militia army?
Between ages 16 and 60.
Who led the attack on Lexington and Concord?
Thomas Gage
What was the first shot of the Revolutionary War known as?
"The Shot Heard Round The World"
What group was trying to avoid the war?
The neutrals or the people that tried to stay nuetrel during the war.
Peyton Randolph came up with what name?
How many times a year were the militiamen required to come to a training?