How many letters did Imam Hussain receive from Kufa
18 thousands from the people
Ummayad Caliph
Oath of allegiance
Imam Hussain's forces (Number)
72, but upwards of up to 100
Why did Imam Zayn al-Abidin (a.s) not fight
List the cities that the Imam had planned to go through before Karbala
1 Medina
2 Mecca
3 Kufa
4 Mecca
5 Karbala
Medina Governor
Walid inb Utba
The place where the Imam was buried and fought in
Yazid's forces + Leader
Umar ibn Sa’d, thirty thousand people
What did Umar Ibn Sa'd want to gain?
Governor of Rey
Bonus Points what is Rey.
Eastern provinces of the Muslim empire
Who were the first 2 shaheeds
Muslim Ibn Aqeel
Haani ibn Urwah
Kufa 1st Governor
Literally means 10th in Arabic. Get point for saying 10th night of Muharram
When was water cut off from the Imam's camp
7th Night
Who spread the infomation and narration of Karbala
When did Muwaiyah die?
60 AH
2nd Kufan Governor
Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad
Maqtal al-Hussain
The narrations of Ashura
When did the battle start
after Fajr namaz
When did Sayyidah Zainab Pass away
62 AH
bonus points in why and who she lost in Karbala
What was the date which the first shaheed for Imam Hussain died
9th Dhu al Hijjah
good or handsome
3 reasons why Imam Hussain asked for another day
1 Give them a chance to reflect
2 So his followers could leave during the night
3 Bring all the tents together for a better base
4 Another night to recite Quran
How do we remember Karbala
Crying, Latmiyah, Poetry, learning of the events of Karbala