What is kabuki?
It is a ( ) form of Japanese theater that originated in the Edo ( ).
What fruit is used to call the community of Kabuki actors?
1 Peach 2 Apple 3 Pear 4 Strawberry
3 Pear 梨園
In Kabuki, what role does the actor with white painted face play?
1 ordinary person 普通の人
2 good noble person
3 servant of bad villain
2 good noble person
True or False
Kabuki performs only traditional stories today.
What is the name of this curtain?
It is called ”Jo-shiki Maku 定式幕".
What is "王子”?
1 Prince
2 a wig for a bad aristocrat (貴族)
3 name of the town
2 a wig for a bad aritsocrat
What does kabuki use to attract new fans?
They use modern technoloy such as projection mapping.
Is "Kabuki-za Theater" in Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku?
What is "化粧声”?
1 a call for makeup
2 spell(おまじない) for makeup
3 a shout at the hero
3 a shout at the hero
In what countries has kabuki been performed?
In USA, Britain(England), and France.
"Kabuki-cho" has no relation to "kabuki".
Why is "Kabuki-cho" has "kabuki" in its name?
Because there was a project to build "Kabuki-za Theater" in Kabuki-cho.
Which is "コウモリ隈”?
Which is more popular, kabuki actors in the Edo period or movie stars today?
They are both equally popular.
Choose one word which has no direct relation with Kabuki.
幕の内弁当 / 歌舞伎揚げ / いなり寿司
ノリ / なあなあ / 花道 / 口説き / 差金
When is the ”Kabuki Day”?
1 January 17
2 February 20
3 March 23
2 February 20
On February 20, 1607, Okuni and her group performed kabuki in the presence of Tokugawa Ieyasu.