Who started kumadori and when was it?
Ichikawa Danjuro started in 1673.
What colors are used for kumadori?
Name 3 colors.
Red, black, and brown.
Which kumadori is for a handsome young man?
What good is kumadori for the audiences?
_ \they can see ・・・.
They can see the actors' faces clearly
even from the back rows of the thater.
What do the actors use to draw kumarodi?
Name 2 tools.
Brush and fingers. (sponge is ok.)
What character does this kumadori mean?
Why did Ichikawa Danjuro started kumadori?
To surprise the audiences.
What do kabuki actors apply as a primer of kumadori?
*apply 塗る primer 下地
What character does this kumadori mean?
Bad noble man.
What colors did Danjuro use to make up his face?
He used black and red colors.
What do kabuki actors do with their eyeblows
when they do kumadori?
They apply hard hairoil or shave their eyeblows off.
What character does this kumadori mean?
What does " 隈 " mean?
1 Dark circles under eyes
2 Blood vessels and muscles
3 Bear
4 Wrinkles
2 Blood vessels and muscles
What will the cloth that copies kumadori be done with?
It will be a present for the sponsors.
ichikawa Danjuro the 13th.