Передбачати, передрікати
To make a prophesy
National identity
Національна ідентичність
What century did Shevchenko live, write and die?
The 19th.
By noon, Grace (finish) all her work.
had finished
Зрозуміла сучасна форма
Coherent modern form
Oil, watercolour and sketches
Олія, акварель і рисунки
How do we call 'Kobzar' in English?
He (take) a diary, (open) it and (begin) writing.
took, opened, began
Збірка віршів
Collection of poems
Foundation of contemporary Ukrainian
Основа сучасної української мови
What was the education institution name Shevchenko studied at?
St. Petersburg Academy of Art.
No sooner Alice (come up) to the horse than it bolted.
Had come up
Своєю поезією він зробив значний внесок в еволюцію національної свідомості.
His poetry contributed greatly to the evolution of national consciousness.
Though forbidden to write and paint, Shevchenko secretly wrote a few lyric poems.
Попри заборону писати і малювати Шевченко таємно написав кілька ліричних віршів.
What event in Shevchenko's life is related to the date: 1938?
He was freed.
I (never, see) a snow leopard before I (go) to the Himalayas.
had never seen, went
Як умру, то поховайте
When I die let me be buried.
Being born in the family of a serf, Shevchenko suffered the heavy hand of fate in his childhood.
Народившись у сімʼї кріпака, Шевченко ще в дитинстві зазнав тяжких ударів долі.
What was the reason Shevchenko was punished by exile?
He participated in the Brotherhood of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
By the time all the guests (go) and the road (be) quiet again, the children (wake up) and (cannot) get to sleep again.
had gone, had been, woke up, couldn't