write "예약" in English.
개천절의 의미는?
우리나라의 건국을 기념하기 위하여 제정한 국경일. 기원전 2333년에 단군이 왕검성에 도읍을 정하고 나라 이름을 조선이라 짓고 즉위한 날.
점수 바꾸기 가위바위보 chance
Very few people, , know that da Vinci was also a creative cook.
동일 업종의 기업들이 경쟁을 피하고 시장을 지배할 목적으로 협정을 맺는 형태를 뜻하는 말은?
카르텔 kartell
사회자와 리더 바꾸기 chance
SNS는 어떤 말의 약어인가요?
Social Networking Service
사회자와 리더 바꾸기 chance.
훈민정음 해례본
바꾸기 방지권
You should "___ __" a coat. It is cold today.
put on
'문방사우'의 네 가지 문구는?
붓, 먹, 벼루, 종이
점수바꾸기 chance
Fill in the blank.
Do not " " a book by its cover.
On the other hand를 이용하여 문장을 만드시오
what's the name of the man who opened restaurant with Da vinci?
Sandro Botticelli
If there are my ideal type you will get extra points.
미연, 설윤, 김지원, 김유정 etc...
Why didn't people like Da vinci's dishes?
Because they were used to dishes with big servings of meat.
결과를 나타내는 접속부사 4개를 쓰시오.
Thus, Therefore, In conclusion, As a result.
Fill in the blank
Our ______ change our minds, and our _____ can change our behavior. do you want to feel _________?
what is two machines that da vinci made?
machines that could crush vegetables and pull spaghetti.
Fill in the blank.
In the early 1480s, da Vinci began __ ____ for Ludovico Sforza in Milan. Da Vinci did not stop at _______. He wanted __ ____ much more quickly and easily.
to work.
to cook.
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 전치사로 알맞은 것을 쓰시오.
A________ __ Amy Cuddy, a famous psychologist, we can become more confident just by standing tall for two minutes.
According to
+400 pt
다음 문장에 이어질 순서를 적으시오.
Yuri: Hi, Jaden. Sports Day is next Friday. I can’t wait!
a: What do you mean?
b: Yes, I am, but I’m worried about the 800-meter relay.
c: Why? Aren’t you good at sports?
d: Really? I’m actually worried about it.
Jaden: I'm the last runner. What if our team loses because of me?
d: Really? I’m actually worried about it.
c: Why? Aren’t you good at sports?
b: Yes, I am, but I’m worried about the 800-meter relay.
a: What do you mean?
Jaden: I'm the last runner. What if our team loses because of me?
다음 두 문장을 상관접속사를 사용하여 한 문장으로 만드시오.
I played computer game.
I checked my English grade on the computer.
I not only played computer game but also checked my English grade on the computer.
다음 문장의 관계부사를 전치사 + 관계대명사로 바꾸시오
I want to know the reason why she was bumped by him.
I want to know the reason for which she was bumped by him.
'우리반 실장은 멋지다. 하지만, 연인은 없다' 를 접속부사를 사용하여 영작하시오
Our president of student is good looking(neat, handsome, cool etc.). However, he doesn't have a girlfriend(lover, etc..)
다음 문장을 접속사가 있는 부사절로 만드시오
Walking on the street, I saw my teacher with his children.
While I was walking on the street, I saw my teacher with his children.