Who was called the Lamb of God in the New Testament?
What did Aaron use to make the idol?
Name one of the plagues.
Water turned to blood. Frogs. Gnats. Flies. Sick animals. Boils. Hail. Locusts. Darkness.
What did the Israelites do when they got hungry and thirsty in the wilderness?
Grumbled and complained.
What did they call the food they found on the ground in the morning?
Who went with Moses to the Israelite leaders to show them the signs?
His brother, Aaron.
What were the Israelites told to do with the blood of the lambs?
Put it on the doorposts and lintels.
What job did God give Moses?
Lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
After he grew up, why did Moses have to run away from Egypt?
Because he killed an Egyptian man.
What did the Israelites want Aaron to make for them while Moses was up on the mountain?
An idol.
Who came to the river and found the basket?
Pharaoh’s daughter (the princess).
What do we call the commands God gave Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai?
The Ten Commandments.
What happened when Pharaoh and his army followed the Israelites into the sea?
God made their chariot wheels get clogged so they didn’t work right. The water came down over them. They were destroyed.
Why did God send the plagues?
To show his power and to punish the Egyptians for treating the Israelites badly as slaves.
A place to worship God was called what?
Who would die when the tenth plague came?
All the firstborn sons in Egypt.
Why did Pharaoh want all the Israelite baby boys to be thrown into the river?
He was afraid of the Israelites.
How did God provide water from a rock one time when the Israelites were thirsty?
Moses struck a rock with his staff, and water poured out.
Where did the Israelites get trapped?
At the Red Sea.
What was the name of the special meal that reminded the Israelites of what happened that night when God passed over them?
The Passover
What would God do when he saw a house with lamb’s blood on the doorposts?
Pass over it
What was the gold box with the mercy seat and angels on top?
The ark of the covenant.
What were animals sacrificed on?
The bronze altar.
During the battle against the Amalekites, What did Moses have to do so Israel would win?
Moses had to keep his hands/staff raised.
What word means God is all-powerful?