Name one of the men God promised to give the Land of Canaan.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses
Name one the three men who rebelled against God and Moses during the years in wilderness?
Korah, Dathan, Abiram
What was the name of the false prophet hired by the king of Moab to curse the Israelites?
Who did God choose to lead the Israelites after Moses' death?
What obstacle was in between the Israelites camp and the city of Jericho?
Jordan River
What did God tell Joshua to do if they wanted to defeat Jericho?
March once around the city of Jerich for 6 days
Who did Israel lose to?
What did Joshua do once the Amorite Kings were defeated?
He divided the Land
What sin did the Israelites commit after Joshua and the leaders were gone?
How many spies did Moses send into the Promised Land?
What did the 250 leaders who offered incense want to be?
What did God have Balaam say about the Israelites when he was with King Balak?
Where we the two spies sent?
What did God command the Priests to carry when they led the way to the river?
The Ark of the Covenant
What were the Priests commanded to do?
Carry the ark of the covenant and blow the trumpets
Why did they lose?
Achan's Sin
What river formed the border between the Eastern and Western tribes of Israel?
Jordan River
When the Israelites cried out to the Lord because of their enemies would we he do?
Raise up a judge to deliver them
What two spies had faith in God's promises and tried to convince the people to obey God?
Joshua and Caleb
How did God punish the traitors?
An earthquake: the ground opened up and swallowed them.
Who stood in the road to block Balaam from going to King Balak?
The Angel of the Lord
Who helped the spies in Jericho?
What Miracle took place at the Jordan?
The Jordan split
Whose family did Joshua spare from the destruction of Jericho?
What was His sin?
He stole items from Jericho that he was commanded not to, then hid them in his tent.
What large tribe received land on both sides of the river?
Who was the first judge God raised up to save people?
Joshua son of ____
When the Israelites became impatient and complained to Moses about food and water, what punishment did God send throughout the camp that killed some people?
Fiery serpents/ poisonous snakes.
What two powerful Amorite Kings attacked the Israelites but were defeated?
Sihon and Og
Where do we see Rahab mentioned in the New Testament?
Matthew 1; Hebrews 11
What were the Israelites supposed to do in order to remember the event?
The Twelve Stones
Outside of Rahab's family, what did Israel take from Jericho?
Silver and gold, and the vessels of bronze and of iron
What had to happen in order for God to bless Israel again?
Achan and his family had to be punished/destroyed
Who fought giants to take possession of the land when he was 85 years old?
What is Idolatry?
Putting anything in our lives above God
Caleb son of ____
Which Mountain did Israel depart from to head towards the wilderness?
Mount Hor
Which tribes asked Moses if they could stay in the lands they took from Sihon and Og
Reuben, Gad, and half-tribe of Manasseh.
What was Rahab to use when leaving the window?
A Scarlet Chord
Where did the people camp before entering Jericho?
What did Joshua do right before leaving Jericho?
He cursed the city and all those who would attempt to rebuild it
How did God help Joshua in the battle against the five Amorite kings?
He threw hailstones on the enemy. He made the Sun stand Still so Joshua could chase the enemy
What promise did God fulfill to the Israelite people?
The Land was given to them in Joshua
How old was Joshua when he died?