A jury is a group of people selected to hear a case. This is the name of a person who is a member of the jury.
What is a juror
After a witness has been questioned by the first attorney, the opposing attorney has the chance to do this
What is cross-examination
John is a biochemist and has been asked for his understanding of a scientific matter in a court case. His answer is this type of evidence
What is expert evidence
The man or woman in charge of making sure the court room remains safe and under control, as well as escort inmates into the court room is known as the
What is bailiff
Harry failed to appear in court. A decision was made in favor of the state. This is known as a
What is default judgement
Objection! We do not support the selection of Harry Henderson as a juror. This type of objection is known as a
What is a challenge
Johns attorney is trying to bring a piece of evidence to the trial that has little relevance. This evidence can be deemed?
What is irrelevant or inadmissible
Tim has a bike on his porch that is stolen. It can be assumed then that he stole that bike even though no one actually saw him. The stolen property lead to this type of evidence?
What is circumstantial evidence
When collecting evidence for a trial you want it to be believable. If it is believable it is seen to be this type of evidence
What is credible evidence.
Once deliberations have taken place the foreperson may take a survey as to how the jury stands. What do we call this
What is polling the jury
In the film Runaway Jury the initial questioning or examination of jurors was done. What do we call this? Parlez-vous Francais?
What is voir dire
Intentionally lying while on the stand and under oath is known as this punishable offense
What is perjury
Sam is being charged with burglarizing his neighbors house. The burglary occurred between midnight and 4am. Sam works third shift (11-7) therefore Sam as a solid this
What is alibi
If a jury is stuck and cannot decide the verdict of a trial, what do we call this jury
What is hung, hung jury
This can be the lead person on a construction crew, but for our purposes he or she is the head of a jury during their times of deliberation and decision making
What is a foreman or forewoman.
Objection! blah blah blah! it just so happens this objection is legitimate. What is the answer of the court for supporting an objection?
What is sustained
Lawyer A just gave some evidence, now lawyer B will try to disprove the evidence. He is giving his
What is rebuttal
The plaintiff in a case has the duty of proving that the defendant is guilty. What do we call this duty
What is burden of proof
Lindsay was proven innocent in her recent court trial. The paper wrote a story about this, saying she had been blank of all the charges.
What is acquitted.
James is a potential juror but has a terrible criminal record. What challenge may one of the attorneys make against him being a juror?
What is a challenge for cause
Georges trial was full or errors and mistakes in procedure and litigation. The judge has no other choice than to rule it a
What is a mistrial
A witness who is openly bias toward a party who called the witness to testify is known as this
What is hostile. A hostile witness.
In the movie Runaway Jury the jury was forced to stay away in a motel together to avoid any outside influence. What is this called
What is sequestered.
A court opinion is this
What is a statement by a judge that gives reason for the decisions being made or made in a case.