
Hen got a hat ______.

a. every

b. some

c. today

c. today


"The hat is a good fit _______!" Hen said.

a. now

b. of

c. our

a. now


What takes place at the start of the story?

a. Aunt Viv sings

b. Tom makes a drum

c. Mom and Dad pack

c. Mom and Dad pack


What takes place after Aunt Viv opens her bag?

a. the kids sing

b. the kids dance

c. the kids make guitars and drums

c. the kids make guitars and drums

The hat was too big for _______.

a. her

b. here

c. how

a. her


What is a chick?

a. a big pet

b. a mad bird

c. a baby hen

c. a baby hen


How do the kids feel about Aunt Viv coming?

a. glad

b. mad

c. sad

a. glad


What takes place at the end of the story?

a. Aunt Viv has to go

b. All the kids are in a band

c. Mom and Dad play the drums

b. All the kids are in a band


"A wig _______ help the hat fit," Pig said.

a. away

b. why

c. would

c. would


What is a cow?

a. a big black cat

b. a big red animal

c. a big animal who likes grass

c. a big animal who likes grass


What takes place after Aunt Viv comes?

a. the kids get a hug

b. the kids make a hat

c. the kids play guitars

a. the kids get a hug


What can you tell about Aunt Viv?

a. She sings well

b. She likes music

c. She plays a guitar

b. She likes music


"I will look to see if I have a wig in ______ box," said Hen.

a. our

b. to

c. we

a. our


What is a skunk?

a. an animal who sings

b. an animal who dances

c. an animal who smells bad

c. an animal who smells bad


What takes place before Glen and Meg come?

a. Viv packs a bag

b. Mom and Dad come back

c. The kids and Viv clap, hop, and sing

c. The kids and Viv clap, hop, and sing


Who is the narrator of this story?

a. Aunt Viv 

b. a kid

c. Mom

b. a kid


Hen ran to see if ______ had a wig.

a. said

b. she

c. some

b. she


What is a snake?

a. an animal who hops

b. an animal with no legs

c. an animal who runs a lot

b. an animal with no legs


What takes place before Aunt Viv opens her bag?

a. Glen and Meg come

b. Aunt Viv plays a guitar

c. Aunt Viv gets out a box

a. Glen and Meg come


What does the narrator do?

a. tells the story

b. hears the story

c. makes up the story

a. tells the story