What was the outcome of the Battle of Bunker Hill?
The British won but suffered great losses
Name 5 famous Patriots
John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere, George Washington, Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry...
What was King George's response to the Olive Branch Petition?
None, he didn't even read it
Why was the part about slavery taken out of the declaration?
At that time, it was an unimportant issue in the colonies.
According to the British, what as an act of treason?
The signing of the Declaration of Independence
What was battle was the big turning point for the Continental army before the Declaration of Independence?
Bunker Hill
Who was the general of the Continental army?
George Washington
At the Second Continental Congress, the was decision was made to form what?
an army
Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death?"
Patrick Henry
Who made up the Continental Army?
troops from all the colonies
Why was George Washington chosen to lead the army?
he was a proven leader and was well respected
What was the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition?
To ask King George to make peace with the colonies
According to the Declaration, how do natural rights differ from other rights?
People are born with them
What did "Common Sense" do for the colonies?
It persuaded many colonists that America should be independent
After the first shots at Lexington and Concord, were the colonies reluctant to fight or ready to declare war against the British?
Who wrote the pamphlet, Common Sense?"
Thomas Paine
On March 4, 1776, the British Soldiers in Boston awoke to ridge above Boston full of Patriots cannons. What was their response?
They left with 9000 troops and evacuated Boston
What was the main purpose the Declaration of Independence was written?
To explain why the colonies were separating from Great Britain
According to Thomas Jefferson, the power to rule comes from....
The governed (the people)
What showed that the colonies could cooperate?
The forming of the Continental Army
Whose name was the biggest on the signing of the Declaration?
John Hancock
Why did Thomas Jefferson say the King George was unfit to rule?
He denied the colonists their rights
Who were three of the authors of the Declaration of Independence?
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams,
What was the importance of the win at Fort Ticonderoga?
The continental army was able to obtain ammunition and cannons and brought them back on sleds to Boston