How do you choose a study and how far in advance are lesson plans due to your supervisor?
Based off the children's interest and two weeks
Give 3 examples of what you can do to create a print rich environment in your classroom?
Word wall at children’s eye level, environmental print, books, posters, label toys in children’s language, etc.
How many observations do you need for each child in an observation cycle?
Two observations for each objective
How often do you need to switch out the manipulatives, puzzles, dramatic play and other toys in your classroom?
Why do you need to switch them out?
At least every 2 weeks.
Children's behavior will be better.
What do you need to do in Teaching Strategies after you put in an observation.
Level it
Name 3 ways to individualize learning opportunities for each child using your observations.
Plan for each child according to the child’s interest, strengths and needs, based off their observation.
Activities will be intentional, engaging and meaningful for each child.
Why is building a strong and positive relationship with your students important and what are some ways to build one?
Better behavior, motivation, engaged learning, create a safe space/belonging, develop confidence, communication,
Daily greetings, spend time with them. etc.
What are three characteristics of an observation?
Each observation can be linked to one or more objectives
Observations must be objective, factual, and use concrete words
Avoid making judgements, or guesses, stating opinions, giving assumptions and/or interpretations
Name the centers in the classroom and how often they need to open.
Blocks, art, dramatic play, science, writing, manipulatives, library, sand and water ALL need to open DAILY
How do you decided what level to assign a child's observation to?
By reading the description and examples of each level and matching them to the children's abilities. Children must display all areas of each level to be marked on that level
What needs to be included on your lesson plan each week?
Social Emotional(Pyramid, Second Step, Child Protection Program, Conscious Discipline) , Individual plans for each student, small group, Health and diversity, Mighty Minutes, Question of the day, Large group/circle time, centers/choice time, read aloud, outside time.
What are some teaching practices for teaching DLL?
Use concrete objects to teach concepts, materials and activities that reflect cultures and languages, child’s language is represented in the classroom
What things do you look for while doing observations and assessments?
What a child can do
What a child knows
The abilities and skills of the child
The actions of the child
How should your classroom be set up and why is it important?
Better student behavior, children know what to do, active supervision, smooth traffic flow, uninterrupted play, safety, zoning, etc.
What is the difference between a preliminary level and a final level when doing checkpoints?
The preliminary levels are given throughout the assessment period and used to determine the final level at the end of each check point period.
What needs to be considered when children are divided into small group?
Age, skill and developmental level, abilities of children, language, purpose of the activity
Describe 3 aspects of DAP art
Process not product, child directed, no two are alike, no examples, open-ended, children have access to all materials an can use them how they want
Where do you record observations and how often do they need to be recorded?
In Teaching Strategies
The same week that the observation is made.
What are some guidelines for classroom rules?
Have 3-5 rules, visuals, children help create the rules, posted, reminded daily, clear/easy to understand, positively stated
How many objectives can be linked to a single observation?
As many as you have evidence for in the observation.
Name 3 health activities and 3 diversity activities
Handwashing, tooth brushings, toileting, exercising, disaster drills, food experiences, meal time discussions on food groups, Top Star, etc..
Food children eat at home, diverse books, activities families do at home, family pictures, same or different, art materials, dramatic play materials, music, etc…
Developmentally appropriate teachers are intentional in all they do, what does this look like?
They select activities to meet goals and instruction is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners
What are 3 types of observations?
Written records
Parent input/observations
Pictures and videos – parents must give consent in order to use pictures and videos
On the spot checklists (see link in references)
Samples of children’s work
Early Screening Inventory (ESI) – for newly enrolled children
Preschool Entry and Exit Profile (PEEP)
What are some things to keep in mind when choosing materials and activities for your centers?
Activities should be diverse, challenging, and achievable opportunities for learning and playing and switched out every two weeks.
Name the 4 areas of development and the 5 content areas from the Objectives for Development and Learning (outcomes).
4 areas of development = Social - Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive
5 content areas = Literacy, mathematics, science and technology, social studies, the arts