What was the lesson about?
What is Repentance/Jesus Christ suffered so that I can repent and come unto Him.
What is Repentance?
What is reviewing one's actions and feeling contrition or regret for past or present wrongdoings.
Doctrine and Covenants section 19 is about?
The Atonement, repentance, the Book of Mormon, Martin Harris
Why did Jesus die on the cross?
What is Jesus was On the cross for being persecuted for saying he is the son of god and the messiah
Repentance allows us to _____?
Return home to Heavenly Father
In Doctrine and Covenants 19 the Savior describes what it was like to?
To suffer through the atonement.
What book did we read from today for scriptures?
What is Doctrine and Covenants
Repentance can make us ____?
Doctrine and Covenants 19 is revelation given to who?
Martin Harris
What did I tell you do think back on?
What is an example of repentance or gods love
Every Sunday, we repent when we take the _____?
In Doctrine and Covenants we are commanded by Jesus to _____?
What is the name of the talk I showed you?
What is the divine gift of repentance
Jesus Christ loves us so much he suffered for our ______?
What did Martin Harris have to sacrifice to help the Book of Mormon come forth?
He had to sell part of his farm to pay for the Book of Mormon to be printed.